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Vertical distraction osteogenesis in the human mandible: a prospective morphometric study.


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Vertical distraction osteogenesis has received considerable interest as a way to augment bone prior to implant placement. However, very little is known regarding the appropriate distraction protocols in the human mandible. In this study, we evaluate the effect of the distraction rate and the duration of neutrofixation on bone formation and closure of the gap in the human mandible. Vertical distraction was performed in the atrophic mandible of 16 edentulous patients, aged 62 +/- 6 years. The bone was distracted for approximately 10 mm at a rate of either 0.5 or 1 mm/day. Bone biopsies were taken after 7-20 weeks of neutrofixation. Histological analysis demonstrated newly formed bone in the distraction gap in all biopsies. The bone was predominantly of the woven type. After 10 weeks of neutrofixation, the gap was bridged by new bone in two out of three intact samples in the 0.5 mm/day group, but not in two intact samples of the 1 mm/day group. Histomorphometry revealed longer bone trabeculae (P=0.02) anda somewhat increased bone volume in the area where new bone formation started (P=0.07) in the group of patients having the 0.5 mm/day of distraction rate than in the 1 mm/day group. We conclude that in elderly patients, a distraction rate of 0.5 mm/day results in faster osteogenesis in the distraction gap than a rate of 1 mm/day. A minimum of 10 weeks of neutrofixation seems to be needed to close a 10 mm gap after cessation of distraction. To cite this article: Amir LR, Becking AG, Jovanovic A, Perdijk FBT, Everts V, Bronckers ALJJ. Vertical distraction osteogenesis in the human mandible: a prospective morphometric study. Clin. Oral Impl. Res.17, 2006; 417-425 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0501.2006.01231.x.
机译:垂直牵引成骨术作为植入物植入前增加骨质的一种方法已引起广泛关注。但是,关于下颌骨中适当的分散注意力的方法知之甚少。在这项研究中,我们评估了分心率和中神经固定持续时间对人类下颌骨骨形成和间隙闭合的影响。在16名年龄在62 +/- 6岁的无牙颌患者的萎缩性下颌骨中进行了垂直牵引。骨以0.5或1毫米/天的速度分散约10毫米。在神经固定7-20周后进行骨活检。组织学分析表明,在所有活检组织中,牵引间隙中均新形成了骨头。骨头主要是编织型的。进行中神经固定10周后,在0.5 mm / day组的三个完整样本中,有两个是通过新骨桥接间隙,而在1 mm / day组的两个完整样本中则没有。组织形态计量学显示,分心率为0.5 mm /天的患者组比1 mm /天的组更长的骨小梁(P = 0.02)和开始新骨形成的区域的骨体积有所增加(P = 0.07)。 。我们得出的结论是,在老年患者中,分心率为0.5毫米/天比分心率为1毫米/天导致更快的成骨作用。停止分心后,似乎需要最少10周的神经固定才能缩小10 mm的间隙。引用本文:Amir LR,Becking AG,Jovanovic A,Perdijk FBT,Everts V和Bronckers ALJJ。下颌骨的垂直牵引成骨作用:前瞻性形态学研究。临床口语2006年第17号决议; 417-425 doi:10.1111 / j.1600-0501.2006.01231.x



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