首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Biology >The X-ray Crystallographic Structure of the Angiogenesis Inhibitor Angiostatin.

The X-ray Crystallographic Structure of the Angiogenesis Inhibitor Angiostatin.


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Angiogenesis inhibitors have gained much public attention recently as anti-cancer agents and several are currently in clinical trials, including angiostatin (Phase I, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA). We report here the bowl-shaped structure of angiostatin kringles 1-3, the first multi-kringle structure to be determined. All three kringle lysine-binding sites contain a bound bicine molecule of crystallization while the former of kringle 2 and kringle 3 are cofacial. Moreover, the separation of the kringle 2 and kringle 3 lysiner binding sites is sufficient to accommodate the alpha-helix of the 30 residue peptide VEK-30 found in the kringle 2/VEK-30 complex. Together the three kringles produce a central cavity suggestive of a unique domain where they may function in concert. (c) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.
机译:血管生成抑制剂作为抗癌剂最近已经引起了公众的广泛关注,目前有数种药物正在临床试验中,其中包括血管抑制素(第一阶段,宾夕法尼亚州费城的托马斯·杰斐逊大学医院)。我们在这里报告了血管抑制素1-3的碗状结构,这是第一个待确定的多环结构。所有三个kringle赖氨酸结合位点均包含一个结合的双分子结晶分子,而kringle 2和kringle 3的前者是共界面的。此外,kringle 2和kringle 3赖氨酸结合位点的分离足以容纳在kringle 2 / VEK-30复合物中发现的30个残基肽VEK-30的α-螺旋。这三个指环共同产生一个中央腔,暗示着它们可能协同作用的独特区域。 (c)2002爱思唯尔科学有限公司



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