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Classification and evolution of P-loop GTPases and related ATPases.


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Sequences and available structures were compared for all the widely distributed representatives of the P-loop GTPases and GTPase-related proteins with the aim of constructing an evolutionary classification for this superclass of proteins and reconstructing the principal events in their evolution. The GTPase superclass can be divided into two large classes, each of which has a unique set of sequence and structural signatures (synapomorphies). The first class, designated TRAFAC (after translation factors) includes enzymes involved in translation (initiation, elongation, and release factors), signal transduction (in particular, the extended Ras-like family), cell motility, and intracellular transport. The second class, designated SIMIBI (after signal recognition particle, MinD, and BioD), consists of signal recognition particle (SRP) GTPases, the assemblage of MinD-like ATPases, which are involved in protein localization, chromosome partitioning, and membrane transport, and a group of metabolic enzymes with kinase or related phosphate transferase activity. These two classes together contain over 20 distinct families that are further subdivided into 57 subfamilies (ancient lineages) on the basis of conserved sequence motifs, shared structural features, and domain architectures. Ten subfamilies show a universal phyletic distribution compatible with presence in the last universal common ancestor of the extant life forms (LUCA). These include four translation factors, two OBG-like GTPases, the YawG/YlqF-like GTPases (these two subfamilies also consist of predicted translation factors), the two signal-recognition-associated GTPases, and the MRP subfamily of MinD-like ATPases. The distribution of nucleotide specificity among the proteins of the GTPase superclass indicates that the common ancestor of the entire superclass was a GTPase and that a secondary switch to ATPase activity has occurred on several independent occasions during evolution. The functions of most GTPases that are traceable to LUCA are associated with translation. However, in contrast to other superclasses of P-loop NTPases (RecA-F1/F0, AAA+, helicases, ABC), GTPases do not participate in NTP-dependent nucleic acid unwinding and reorganizing activities. Hence, we hypothesize that the ancestral GTPase was an enzyme with a generic regulatory role in translation, with subsequent diversification resulting in acquisition of diverse functions in transport, protein trafficking, and signaling. In addition to the classification of previously known families of GTPases and related ATPases, we introduce several previously undetected families and describe new functional predictions.
机译:比较了所有广泛分布的P环GTPases和GTPase相关蛋白的序列和可用结构,目的是为这种超类蛋白构建进化分类并重建其进化中的主要事件。 GTPase超类可以分为两个大类,每个大类都有一组独特的序列和结构特征(同义型)。第一类称为TRAFAC(在翻译因子之后)包括参与翻译(起始,延伸和释放因子),信号转导(特别是扩展的Ras样家族),细胞运动性和细胞内转运的酶。第二类称为SIMIBI(在信号识别粒子,MinD和BioD之后),由信号识别粒子(SRP)GTPases,类似于MinD的ATPase组成,它们参与蛋白质定位,染色体分区和膜转运,以及一组具有激酶或相关磷酸转移酶活性的代谢酶。这两类共包含20多个不同的家族,根据保守的序列基序,共有的结构特征和域结构,这些家族进一步细分为57个亚家族(古老的谱系)。十个亚科显示出与现存生命形式(LUCA)的最后一个普遍共同祖先中的存在相容的普遍系统分布。这些包括四个翻译因子,两个类似OBG的GTPases,类似YawG / YlqF的GTPases(这两个亚家族也由预测的翻译因子组成),两个与信号识别相关的GTPases和一个类似于MinD的ATPase的MRP亚家族。 GTPase超类蛋白质之间核苷酸特异性的分布表明,整个超类的共同祖先是GTPase,并且在进化过程中的几次独立情况下都发生了向ATPase活性的二级转换。可追溯到LUCA的大多数GTPases的功能都与翻译相关联。但是,与P环NTPase的其他超类(RecA-F1 / F0,AAA +,解旋酶,ABC)相反,GTPase不参与依赖NTP的核酸解链和重组活动。因此,我们假设祖先GTPase是一种在翻译中具有一般调节作用的酶,随后的多样化导致获得了运输,蛋白质运输和信号转导的多种功能。除了对先前已知的GTPases家族和相关ATPase家族进行分类之外,我们还介绍了一些先前未发现的家族,并描述了新的功能预测。



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