首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Biology >Conformational dynamics of a transposition repressor in modulating DNA binding

Conformational dynamics of a transposition repressor in modulating DNA binding


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The repressor of bacteriophage Mu functions in the establishment and maintenance of lysogeny by binding to Mu operator DNA to shut down transposition. A domain at its N terminus functions in DNA binding, and temperature-sensitive mutations in this domain can be suppressed by truncations at the C terminus. To understand the role of the C-terminal tail in DNA binding, a fluorescent probe was attached to the C terminus to examine its environment and its movement with respect to the DNA binding domain. The emission spectrum of this probe indicated that the C terminus was in a relatively hydrophobic environment, comparable to the environment of the probe attached within the DNA-binding domain. Fluorescence of two tryptophan residues located within the DNA-binding domain was quenched by the probe attached to the C terminus, indicating that the C terminus is in close proximity to this domain. Addition of DNA, even when it did not contain operator DNA, reduced quenching of tryptophan fluorescence, indicating that the tail moves away from the DNA-binding domain as it interacts with DNA. The presence of the tail also produced a trypsin hypersensitive site within the DNA-binding domain; mutant repressors with an altered or truncated C terminus were relatively resistant to cleavage at this site. Interaction of the wild-type repressor with DNA greatly reduced cleavage at the site. A repressor with a temperature-sensitive mutation in the DNA-binding domain was especially sensitive to cleavage by trypsin even in the presence of DNA, and the C-terminal tail failed to move in the presence of DNA at elevated temperatures. These results indicate that the tail sterically inhibits DNA binding and that it moves during establishment of repression. Such conformational changes are likely to be involved in communication between repressor protomers for cooperative DNA binding.



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