首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Virology >Comparison of affinity chromatography and adsorption to vaccinia virus recombinant infected cells for depletion of antibodies directed against respiratory syncytial virus glycoproteins present in a human immunoglobulin preparation.

Comparison of affinity chromatography and adsorption to vaccinia virus recombinant infected cells for depletion of antibodies directed against respiratory syncytial virus glycoproteins present in a human immunoglobulin preparation.


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Antibodies directed against human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) glycoproteins were depleted from a commercial immunoglobulin preparation (RespiGam) by two different methods. The first method consisted of repeated adsorption of RespiGam to Sepharose beads with covalently bound soluble forms of the two major viral glycoproteins (F or G). The second method consisted of adsorption of immunoglobulins to live cells expressing F or G glycoproteins on their surfaces after infection with vaccinia virus recombinants. While the first method removed efficiently antibodies that reacted with F and/or G glycoproteins by ELISA, it was inefficient in the elimination of anti-HRSV neutralizing antibodies. In contrast, the second method removed efficiently anti-HRSV antibodies that both reacted by ELISA and neutralized virus infectivity. These results confirm that human neutralizing antibodies are directed exclusively against HRSV F and G glycoproteins, and, they raise the possibility that F and G glycoproteins inserted into cell membranes differ antigenically from their soluble forms linked covalently to Sepharose beads. J. Med. Virol. 76:248-255, 2005. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
机译:通过两种不同方法从市售免疫球蛋白制剂(RespiGam)中清除了针对人呼吸道合胞病毒(HRSV)糖蛋白的抗体。第一种方法包括用两种主要病毒糖蛋白(F或G)的可共价结合的可溶形式将RespiGam重复吸附到Sepharose珠上。第二种方法是用牛痘病毒重组体感染后,将免疫球蛋白吸附到在其表面表达F或G糖蛋白的活细胞中。尽管第一种方法通过ELISA有效去除了与F和/或G糖蛋白反应的抗体,但在消除抗HRSV中和抗体方面效率不高。相反,第二种方法有效地去除了既通过ELISA反应又中和了病毒感染力的抗HRSV抗体。这些结果证实人中和抗体仅针对HRSV F和G糖蛋白,并且它们增加了插入细胞膜中的F和G糖蛋白在抗原性上不同于与Sepharose珠共价连接的可溶形式的抗原性的可能性。 J. Med。病毒。 76:248-255,2005.(c)2005 Wiley-Liss,Inc.



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