首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery >Endoscopic orchidectomy and salpingohysterectomy of pigeons (Columba livia): an avian model for minimally invasive endosurgery.

Endoscopic orchidectomy and salpingohysterectomy of pigeons (Columba livia): an avian model for minimally invasive endosurgery.

机译:鸽子的内窥镜兰花切除术和输卵管子宫切除术(Columba livia):微创内镜手术的鸟类模型。

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To evaluate a minimally invasive endosurgical system in birds, endoscopic orchidectomy and salpingohysterectomy were evaluated in 11 male and 14 female pigeons (Columba livia). Anesthesia was maintained by using isoflurane delivered by a pressure-cycle ventilator and produced good to excellent anesthesia during 96% of procedures. Endosurgery was performed with a 2.7-mm telescope system, 3-mm human pediatric laparoscopy instruments, and a 4.0-MHz radiofrequency device. Mean+or-SD surgery times for bilateral orchidectomy and salpingohysterectomy procedures were 39+or-18 minutes and 34+or-15 minutes, respectively. Procedures were generally straightforward, with any minor complications easily overcome. Surgical complications were generally minor, with mild hemorrhage and focal coagulative damage to the kidney being most common. All pigeons recovered quickly (20+or-11 minutes), with 95% displaying good to excellent recoveries. No birds exhibited any clinically apparent morbidity or mortality associated with endosurgery. At least 1 male and 1 female bird were subjected to elective euthanasia and necropsy on postoperative days 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, and 90 to determine the success and side effects of surgery. Gross and histologic abnormalities, when observed, were generally mild, with hemorrhage and partial necrosis of the cranial kidney present in 27% of males. Mild damage or hematoma associated with the left kidney was also reported in 28% of females. The surgical objectives were achieved in 23 of 25 pigeons. The 2 surgical failures (regenerated testes in a male and large oviductal remnant in a female) were attributed to endosurgical inexperience and occurred during the first procedures. Salpingohysterectomy does not appear to prevent ovarian development and ovulation in the pigeon, at least not during the first 3 postoperative months. Orchidectomy and salpingohysterectomy appear to be safe procedures when performed using appropriate equipment and techniques. Endosurgery offers a valuable, minimally invasive alternative to the standard coeliotomy techniques commonly used in birds..
机译:为了评估鸟类的微创内窥镜手术系统,对11羽雄鸽和14羽雌鸽(Columba livia)进行了内镜下兰花切除术和输卵管子宫切除术。通过使用压力循环呼吸机提供的异氟烷维持麻醉,在96%的手术过程中产生良好至优异的麻醉效果。内窥镜手术使用2.7毫米望远镜系统,3毫米人体小儿腹腔镜仪器和4.0 MHz射频设备进行。双侧睾丸切除术和输卵管子宫切除术的平均+或-SD手术时间分别为39+或-18分钟和34+或-15分钟。手术通常简单明了,任何轻微的并发症都容易克服。手术并发症一般较轻,最常见的是轻度出血和肾脏局灶性凝血损伤。所有鸽子都很快恢复了健康(20+或-11分钟),其中95%的鸽子恢复良好。没有禽类表现出任何与内窥镜手术相关的临床明显发病率或死亡率。在术后第1、3、5、10、20和90天,至少对1只雄鸟和1只雌鸟进行选择性安乐死和尸检,以确定手术的成功率和副作用。观察到的肉眼和组织学异常通常较轻,在27%的男性中存在颅肾的出血和部分坏死。也有28%的女性报告了与左肾相关的轻度损害或血肿。 25羽鸽子中有23羽达到了手术目的。 2例手术失败(男性睾丸再生,女性女性输卵管残留大)归因于术中经验不足,并在第一次手术中发生。输卵管子宫切除术似乎并未阻止鸽子的卵巢发育和排卵,至少在术后的前三个月没有。使用适当的设备和技术进行睾丸切除术和输卵管子宫切除术似乎是安全的程序。内窥镜手术是鸟类常用的标准腔肠切除术的一种有价值的,微创的替代方法。



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