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'After-birth abortion' and arguments from potential


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Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva reject arguments from claims that fetuses and newborn infants are potential persons, because they argue that potential persons cannot be harmed.1 But whether or not potential persons can be harmed, is it clear that potential persons are entirely lacking in moral status, of a kind that could count as a (pro tanto) reason against bringing about their demise? We do not generally regard potential as entirely lacking in moral value until it is actualised. For example, parents who believe they have identified in their child an emerging musical talent commonly see this potential as having some (not necessarily moral) value, however small, which would count as a reason against destroying that potential gratuitously. Similarly, the morally valuable capacities involved in standard philosophical conceptions of person-hood (such as capacities for self-awareness, to form meaningful social relationships, and to experience various emotions) can be plausibly thought to confer a derivative moral value on the potential to develop such capacities, thereby grounding some level of moral status in a fetus and an infant. Indeed, many women and couples regard a fetus's potential to develop morally valuable characteristics as placing the onus on them to have sufficiently strong reasons to justify aborting it. However, this moral status is not plausibly regarded as absolute, and it is commonly seen as lower than that of an individual who has actualised their potential for these valuable characteristics.
机译:Alberto Giubilini和Francesca Minerva驳斥了声称胎儿和婴儿是潜在人的说法,因为他们认为潜在人不会受到伤害。1但是,潜在人是否会受到伤害,很明显潜在人完全缺乏道德地位,可以算作阻止其灭亡的(亲)理由?我们通常不会将潜能视为完全缺乏道德价值,直到将其实现为止。例如,相信自己在孩子中发现了新兴音乐才华的父母通常认为这种潜力具有某些(不一定是道德的)价值,尽管价值很小,这可以作为反对无偿破坏这种潜力的原因。同样,可以合理地认为,人格的标准哲学概念所涉及的道德上有价值的能力(例如自我意识,形成有意义的社会关系以及经历各种情感的能力)赋予人的潜在的衍生道德价值。发展这种能力,从而在胎儿和婴儿中建立一定程度的道德地位。的确,许多妇女和夫妇认为胎儿具有发展具有道德价值的特征的潜力是她们承担责任的充分理由有充分的理由证明要堕胎。但是,这种道德地位似乎并没有被认为是绝对的,通常被认为比那些已经意识到了自己具有这些宝贵特征的潜力的个人的道德地位低。



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