首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mammalogy >Are lemming winter nest counts a good index of population density?

Are lemming winter nest counts a good index of population density?


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Lemmings construct nests of grass and moss under the snow during winter, and counting these nests in spring is 1 method of obtaining an index of winter density and habitat use. We counted winter nests after snow melt on fixed grids on 5 areas scattered across the Canadian Arctic and compared these nest counts to population density estimated by mark - recapture on the same areas in spring and during the previous autumn. Collared lemmings were a common species in most areas, some sites had an abundance of brown lemmings, and only 2 sites had tundra voles. Winter nest counts were correlated with lemming densities estimated in the following spring (rs=0.80, P < 0.001), but less well correlated with densities the previous autumn (rs=0.55, P < 0.001). Winter nest counts can be used to predict spring lemming densities with a log-log regression that explains 64% of the observed variation. Winter nest counts are best treated as an approximate index and should not be used when precise, quantitative lemming density estimates are required. Nest counts also can be used to provide general information about habitat-use in winter, predation rates by weasels, and the extent of winter breeding.
机译:旅鼠在冬季在雪下在草和苔藓上筑巢,而在春季对这些巢穴进行计数是获得冬季密度和栖息地利用指数的一种方法。在积雪融化后,我们对分布在加拿大北极地区5个区域的固定网格上的冬季巢穴进行了计数,并将这些巢穴计数与通过标记估算的人口密度进行了比较-在春季和前一秋季在相同区域重新捕获。衣领旅鼠是大多数地区的常见物种,一些地点有大量的棕色旅鼠,只有2个地点有苔原田鼠。冬季巢穴数量与第二年春季估计的旅鼠密度相关(rs = 0.80,P <0.001),但与前一秋季密度无关(rs = 0.55,P <0.001)。冬季巢数可用于通过对数对数回归来解释春季观测的密度,该对数对数回归解释了观察到的变化的64%。最好将冬季巢穴计数作为一个近似指数,当需要精确的定量旅鼠密度估计值时,不应使用冬季巢穴计数。巢数也可用于提供有关冬季栖息地使用情况,黄鼠狼的捕食率以及冬季繁殖程度的一般信息。



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