首页> 外文期刊>Journal of marine systems: journal of the European Association of Marine Sciences and Techniques >Interaction of ocean currents and resident micronekton at a seamount in the central North Pacific

Interaction of ocean currents and resident micronekton at a seamount in the central North Pacific


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Seamounts are often characterized by unique faunas, which may include vertically migrating micronekton species. The two dominant seamount-associated micronekton at Southeast (SE) Hancock Seamount on the northern Hawaiian Ridge are the sternopthychid fish Maurolicus muelleri and the lophogastrid mysid Gnathophausia longispina. Distribution patterns for both species, based on midwater trawl and acoustic data, were compared with acoustic Doppler current profiler-measured ocean currents during four research cruises in 1987 and 1988. Populations of both species migrated above the seamount nightly. The distributions of these two species over the seamount were analyzed through acoustic surveys over the seamount flanks and summit. Differences between distributions in the first and second halves of the night were regulated by a combination of behavioural and physical processes. Ocean currents affected the localized nighttime aggregations over different regions of the summit within and between cruises. Currents over the summit had the potential to advect animals an average of 6-7 km per night (luring the first two cruises and about 2 kin per night during the last two cruises. Net and acoustic results indicated that G. longispina and M. muelleri were displaced to the downstream side of the summit through the night, but the distances of displacement were less than would have been predicted by advection alone.Both G. longispina and M muelleri appeared to resist advective loss from the seamount, although the short-term distributional patterns of the two species were subject to current-mediated influences. Very few specimens were taken 5 and 10 km from the summit or above 100 m depth. Behaviour patterns apparently facilitated the maintenance of these populations at this isolated seamount. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:海山通常以独特的动物群为特征,其中可能包括垂直迁移的微浮游生物。夏威夷北脊东南部东南汉考克海山上两个与海山相关的主要微神经元是胸足类鱼类毛Ma鱼(Maurolicus muelleri)和长胃tri类mysid Gnathophausia longispina。在1987年和1988年的四次研究航行中,根据中水拖网和声学数据,将这两种物种的分布模式与多普勒潮流剖面仪测得的洋流进行了比较。两种物种的种群每晚都在海山上迁移。通过对海山侧面和山顶的声学调查,分析了这两个物种在海山上的分布。夜晚的前半部分和后半部分的分布之间的差异是通过行为和身体过程的结合来调节的。洋流影响了巡航过程中和巡航之间峰顶不同区域的局部夜间聚集。山顶上的水流有可能平均每晚平均平息6-7公里的动物(在前两次巡航中进行多次混合,在最后两次巡航期间进行每晚大约2 kin的混合运动。净声和声学结果表明,长鞭毛虫和M. muelleri一整夜都被转移到了山顶的下游,但转移的距离比单凭平流所能预测的短。长短针。(G。longispina)和穆勒里(M muelleri)似乎都可以抵抗海山的对流损失,尽管这是短期的这两个物种的分布模式受到电流的影响,在距离山顶5公里和10公里或深度超过100 m的地方采集的标本很少,行为方式显然促进了这些种群在此孤立海山的维护。



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