首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Quality >Calculating the Detection Limits of Chamber-based Soil Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurements

Calculating the Detection Limits of Chamber-based Soil Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurements


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Renewed interest in quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from soil has led to an increase in the application of chamber-based flux measurement techniques. Despite the apparent conceptual simplicity of chamber-based methods, nuances in chamber design, deployment, and data analyses can have marked effects on the quality of the flux data derived. In many cases, fluxes are calculated from chamber headspace vs. time series consisting of three or four data points. Several mathematical techniques have been used to calculate a soil gas flux from time course data. This paper explores the influences of sampling and analytical variability associated with trace gas concentration quantification on the flux estimated by linear and nonlinear models. We used Monte Carlo simulation to calculate the minimum detectable fluxes (alpha = 0.05) of linear regression (LR), the Hutchinson/Mosier (HIM) method, the quadratic method (Quad), the revised H/M (HMR) model, and restricted versions of the Quad and HIM methods over a range of analytical precisions and chamber deployment times (DT) for data sets consisting of three or four time points. We found that LR had the smallest detection limit thresholds and was the least sensitive to analytical precision and chamber deployment time. The HMR model had the highest detection limits and was most sensitive to analytical precision and chamber deployment time. Equations were developed that enable the calculation of flux detection limits of any gas species if analytical precision, chamber deployment time, and ambient concentration of the gas species are known.
机译:对量化土壤中温室气体排放的兴趣再次引起了基于室的通量测量技术的应用增加。尽管基于腔室的方法在概念上看似简单,但腔室设计,部署和数据分析中的细微差别可能会对导出的通量数据的质量产生明显影响。在许多情况下,通量是根据由3个或4个数据点组成的腔室顶空与时间序列计算得出的。几种数学技术已被用来根据时程数据计算土壤通量。本文探讨了与痕量气体浓度定量相关的采样和分析变异性对通过线性和非线性模型估算的通量的影响。我们使用蒙特卡洛模拟来计算线性回归(LR),Hutchinson / Mosier(HIM)方法,二次方(Quad),修正的H / M(HMR)模型的最小可检测通量(alpha = 0.05)在包括三个或四个时间点的数据集的分析精度和腔室部署时间(DT)范围内,Quad和HIM方法的受限版本。我们发现LR具有最小的检测极限阈值,并且对分析精度和腔室部署时间最不敏感。 HMR模型具有最高的检测极限,并且对分析精度和腔室部署时间最敏感。如果已知分析精度,腔室展开时间和气体种类的环境浓度,则可以开发方程式以计算任何气体种类的通量检测极限。



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