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Formulary management in the Department of Defense.


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BACKGROUND: The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) health care benefit (TRICARE) provides 9.2 million active-duty and retired uniformed services personnel and their family members with access to a comprehensive pharmacy benefit with low out-of-pocket costs. DoD's Uniform Formulary is available worldwide at DoD's 3 pharmacy points of service (military pharmacies, contracted mail order, and community [network and non-network] pharmacies). Community pharmacies, military pharmacies, and mail order accounted for 64%, 23%, and 13%, respectively, of DoD's Dollars 6.5 billion total drug expenditures during fiscal year (FY) 2007 (October 1, 2006, through September 30, 2007). OBJECTIVE: To describe the DoD formulary management process and estimate cost savings associated with implementation of DoD's 3-tier formulary. SUMMARY: DoD implemented its 3-tier Uniform Formulary in 2005. This implementation required the development of a transparent formulary management process that (a) assesses medications for formulary status based on an evidence-based clinical evaluation and assessment of relative cost-effectiveness using pharmacoeconomic and budget impact modeling, (b) allows open and equitable price competition among pharmaceutical manufacturers based on formulary status, and (c) provides a public forum for beneficiaries and beneficiary organizations to comment on formulary changes. Through April 16, 2008, Uniform Formulary decisions had been implemented in 32 drug classes representing 53% of FY 2007 total drug expenditures. The 32 classes containing 343 drugs were reviewed at 12 quarterly meetings of the DoD Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee and the Beneficiary Advisory Panel, resulting in the classification of 85 drugs (24.8%) in tier 3, 92 drugs (26.8%) in tier 2, and 166 drugs (48.4%) in tier 1. Implementation of the 3-tier formulary was associated with an estimated Dollars 926 million in cost avoidance in FY 2007, primarily due to price reductions at military pharmacies and mail order, tier 3 copayments at community pharmacies and mail order, and change in product mix and pharmacy type (point of service). An additional Dollars 60 million in rebates were obtained in FY 2007 through the Voluntary Agreements for TRICARE Retail Pharmacy Refunds (UF VARR) program for prescriptions filled at community pharmacies; the UF VARR program first became available for drug classes reviewed in August 2006. The total of Dollars 986 million in cost avoidance and rebates represents an approximate 13% reduction, compared with what DoD otherwise would have paid in FY 2007 (Dollars 7.5 billion, compared with actual drug expenditures of Dollars 6.5 billion). CONCLUSION: As in most private-sector health plans, the DoD formulary management process (a) includes rigorous decision making that is informed by clinical literature evaluations and pharmacoeconomic analyses, (b) results in drug formulary changes that require considerable effort in communication with providers and beneficiaries, and (c) produces drug cost savings derived from increased price competition among drug manufacturers. Unlike private sector health plans, the DoD uses more disclosure of the results of evaluation of the evidence, solicits provider opinions before P&T committee deliberation, and provides the opportunity for beneficiaries to have input before implementation of formulary changes.
机译:背景:美国国防部(DoD)医疗保健福利(TRICARE)为920万现役和退休的军装服务人员及其家庭成员提供了低廉的自费医疗费用。 DoD的统一配方在全球范围内的DoD的3个药房服务点(军用药房,合同邮购订单以及社区[网络和非网络]药房)都可购买。在2007财政年度(2006财政年度)(2006年10月1日至2007年9月30日),社区药房,军事药房和邮购分别占国防部65亿美元药品总支出的64%,23%和13%。 。目的:描述国防部配方管理流程并估算与国防部三层配方实施相关的成本节省。简介:国防部于2005年实施了其3层统一处方。这种实施要求开发透明的处方管理流程,该流程(a)基于循证的临床评估和使用药物经济学对相对成本效益的评估来评估处方药的状态和预算影响模型,(b)允许药品制造商根据处方药状态进行公开和公平的价格竞争,并且(c)提供一个公开论坛,供受益人和受益人组织就处方药变化发表评论。到2008年4月16日,已在32种药品类别中实施了统一处方决定,占2007财年药品总支出的53%。在美国国防部药学与治疗学(P&T)委员会和受益人咨询小组的12个季度会议上对包含343种药物的32个类别进行了审查,结果将3类的85种药物(24.8%)分类为92种药物(26.8%)。第2级和第1级有166种药物(占48.4%),实施3级配方后,在2007财政年度估计节省了9.26亿美元的成本,这主要是由于3级军事药房和邮购价格下降社区药房和邮购的共付额,以及产品组合和药房类型(服务点)的变化。通过TRICARE零售药房退款自愿协议(UF VARR)计划的自愿协议,在2007财年获得了6000万美元的回扣,用于社区药房的处方; UF VARR计划于2006年8月首次适用于药品类别。与美国国防部在2007财年原本应支付的费用相比,避免和返利的总额为9.86亿美元,减少了约13%。实际药品支出为65亿美元)。结论:如同大多数私营部门的卫生计划一样,国防部处方药管理流程(a)包括严格的决策,并通过临床文献评估和药物经济学分析为依据;(b)药物配方变更的结果需要与提供者进行大量沟通(c)从药品制造商之间的价格竞争加剧中节省药品成本。与私营部门的卫生计划不同,国防部使用更多的证据评估结果披露方法,在P&T委员会审议之前征求提供者的意见,并为受益人提供机会,在实施配方变更之前获得意见。



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