首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Internal Medicine >Rosiglitazone treatment of patients with extreme insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus due to insulin receptor mutations has no effects on glucose and lipid metabolism.

Rosiglitazone treatment of patients with extreme insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus due to insulin receptor mutations has no effects on glucose and lipid metabolism.


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BACKGROUND: Rosiglitazone, a thiazolidinedione (TZD), increases insulin sensitivity by reducing levels of plasma NEFA, triglycerides (TG), glucose and serum insulin. Rosiglitazone treatment decreases insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic patients, but no data exist concerning rosiglitazone treatment of patients with syndromes of extreme insulin resistance. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether hyperglycaemia in two lean patients with primary severe insulin resistance due to insulin receptor (IR) mutations and diabetes mellitus could be reduced by supplement of rosiglitazone for 180 days and secondary, to evaluate the effects on plasma NEFA, TG, Apo B, PAI-1 and serum insulin. SUBJECTS: Both patients (brothers) have known mutations in the IR gene localized to the tyrosine kinase domain and a deletion of exon 17 in part of their IR mRNA. Prior to the study the HbA1c values were higher than 10% in both patients for more than 12 months during treatment with insulin and metformin. RESULTS: After 180 days of rosiglitazone supplement (8 mg day(-1)), no changes were observed in fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c. Incremental plasma glucose areas under the curves during a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) were unchanged. Likewise, no improvements were seen in either first or second phase insulin secretion during a 0.3 g kg(-1) intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). Fasting plasma VLDL and HDL cholesterol, TG and Apo B levels were unchanged, whereas a small increase was seen in total and LDL cholesterol levels. Fasting plasma NEFA increased by 51% in KC after 90 days of treatment, and after 180 days plasma NEFA was still 26% higher, when compared with pretreatment levels. In BC an initial 16% decrease was seen in plasma NEFA after 90 days of treatment. Plasma NEFA was increased 14% after 180 days of treatment, when compared with pretreatment levels, but 35% when compared with day 90. Plasma PAI-1 decreased in both patients after 45 and 90 days of treatment but the decrease was only maintained in KC (47%). CONCLUSIONS: Rosiglitazone treatment, in combination with insulin and metformin, of patients with severe primary insulin resistance due to IR mutations and diabetes mellitus, had no impact on the measured estimates of glucose and lipid metabolism. These findings may suggest that the effect of rosiglitazone on glucose and lipid metabolism are dependent on the presence of intact IR protein.
机译:背景:罗格列酮,一种噻唑烷二酮(TZD),可通过降低血浆NEFA,甘油三酸酯(TG),葡萄糖和血清胰岛素的水平来提高胰岛素敏感性。罗格列酮治疗可降低2型糖尿病患者的胰岛素抵抗,但尚无有关罗格列酮治疗极端胰岛素抵抗综合征患者的数据。目的:通过补充罗格列酮180天和继发补充剂,评估是否可以减少两名因胰岛素受体(IR)突变和糖尿病而导致的原发性严重胰岛素抵抗的瘦患者高血糖症,以评估其对血浆NEFA,TG,Apo的影响B,PAI-1和血清胰岛素。受试者:两名患者(兄弟)均具有位于酪氨酸激酶结构域的IR基因突变,并且其IR mRNA的一部分外显子17缺失。在研究之前,在接受胰岛素和二甲双胍治疗的两个月中,两名患者的HbA1c值均高于10%。结果:在补充罗格列酮180天(8 mg·天(-1))后,空腹血糖和HbA1c均未见变化。在75 g口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)期间,曲线下的血浆葡萄糖增量面积没有变化。同样,在0.3 g kg(-1)静脉葡萄糖耐量试验(IVGTT)期间,第一阶段或第二阶段胰岛素分泌均未见改善。空腹血浆VLDL和HDL胆固醇,TG和Apo B水平未发生变化,而总胆固醇和LDL胆固醇水平则有小幅上升。与治疗前相比,治疗90天后空腹血浆NEFA在KC中升高51%,而在180天后血浆NEFA仍高出26%。在BC省,经过90天的治疗,血浆NEFA最初下降了16%。与治疗前相比,血浆NEFA在治疗180天后增加了14%,但与第90天相比增加了35%。治疗45天和90天后,两组患者的血浆PAI-1均下降,但仅在KC中保持下降(47%)。结论:罗格列酮联合胰岛素和二甲双胍治疗因IR突变和糖尿病而导致严重原发性胰岛素抵抗的患者,对血糖和脂质代谢的估计值没有影响。这些发现可能表明罗格列酮对葡萄糖和脂质代谢的影响取决于完整的IR蛋白的存在。



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