首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >An empirical stream power formulation for knickpoint retreat in Appalachian Plateau fluviokarst

An empirical stream power formulation for knickpoint retreat in Appalachian Plateau fluviokarst


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Hydrologically abandoned caves on tributaries of the Upper Cumberland River, Tennessee, USA record a wave of river incision that advanced up the drainage basin in the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. Geomorphic and geologic evidence suggests that incision occurred as a migrating knickpoint generated by sudden base-level lowering. The passage of a knickpoint up the Cumberland River tributaries was modeled as a perturbation to steady-state incision according to the stream power law E = kQ(m)S(n) and tested using dated incision events recorded in cave sediments. Knickpoint migration rates generated by this model were 0.1-0. 18 m/yr over the entire stream network, and 4.0 m/yr for the mainstem Cumberland River channel. The ratio m = 0.79 was consistent with previously published parameters; however, the values of m = 1.91 and n = 2.39 were much higher than those reported in previous field studies. These results suggest the stream power mode[ may be used to model. knickpoint migration in the study area, provided values for the constants m and n are larger. This may be due to the influence of fluviokarst where surface drainage is interrupted due to diversion into the underlying karst aquifer. Field measurements of channel and basin geometry in fluviokarstic tributaries to the Upper Cumberland River show (1) a stronger variance between channel slope and discharge; (2) a nonlinear relationship between discharge and drainage area; and (3) stream width to be nearly invariant, as opposed to non-karst watersheds. Because the stream power model relies heavily on the substitution of discharge for drainage area, the behavior of channel incision and knickpoint migration in fluviokarst may differ substantially from that of non-karst channels. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:美国田纳西州上坎伯兰河支流上被水文遗弃的洞穴记录了一道切河浪,它在上新世晚期和早更新世的排水盆地中向上推进。地貌和地质证据表明,切口是由于突然的基准面降低而产生的迁移拐点而发生的。根据流功率定律E = kQ(m)S(n),将坎伯兰河支流上的拐点通过模拟为对稳态切口的扰动,并使用洞穴沉积物中记录的过时切口事件进行了测试。该模型产生的拐点迁移率为0.1-0。在整个河流网络中为18 m / yr,对于主干坎伯兰河河道为4.0 m / yr。 m / n = 0.79与先前发布的参数一致;但是,m = 1.91和n = 2.39的值远高于以前的现场研究报告的值。这些结果表明可以使用流功率模式进行建模。如果常数m和n的值较大,则研究区域内的拐点迁移。这可能是由于潮河岩溶的影响,在这里由于转移到下面的岩溶含水层而中断了地表排水。坎伯兰河上游的喀尔喀特河支流河道和盆地几何形状的现场测量表明:(1)河道坡度和流量之间的变化较大; (2)排水面积之间的非线性关系; (3)与非喀斯特流域相反,河流宽度几乎不变。由于流功率模型在很大程度上取决于排水量对流域的替代,因此河溶岩中的河道切口和拐点迁移行为可能与非岩溶河道有很大不同。 (C)2007由Elsevier B.V.发布



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