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Discharge trends and flow dynamics of South American rivers draining the southern Atlantic seaboard: An overview


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River discharge time series in southern South America (between similar to 15 degrees and similar to 50 degrees S) show dissimilar historical trends. In the Rio de la Plata drainage basin (RPDB) the record shows a runoff trend change from decreasing to increasing, around the mid 20th century. Independently of the seasonal variation, currently-observed discharge change in the region is mainly accounted for by increased discharge during low-flow periods. In contrast, most Patagonian rivers show a negative discharge trend, which mainly occurs in some austral summer months and is particularly significant in the Negro River. When considering the historical discharge variability in the southern part of South America, the spectral, analysis produced evidence of interannual, quasi-decadal, and quasi-bidecadal periodicities. Most rivers in the region show EL Nino-like interannual periodicities with the exceptions of the Bermejo and Pilcomayo rivers. In the RPDB, during the 20th century, interannual periodicity changed from the similar to 2 to similar to 5-year band to the similar to 5 to similar to 7-year band between similar to 1935 and similar to 1970. In Patagonia, the interannual oscillation showed maximum power similar to 1930 and similar to 1980 in the Colorado, whereas further south (Negro and Chubut rivers), maximum power appears similar to 1950. The quasi-decadal signal is strong in the RPDB, in general, and particularly in Patagonia's Colorado, which runs close to the so-called Arid Diagonal and bears this signal presumably due to the influence of the low-level jets (LLJs). This periodicity is conspicuously absent in other Patagonian rivers. Finally, a quasi-bidecadal signature appears to be restricted to the Bermejo and Iguacu rivers, in the RPDB, and in Patagonia's Colorado and Santa Cruz rivers.
机译:南美洲南部的河流排放时间序列(介于大约15度和大约50度南之间)显示出不同的历史趋势。记录显示,在里约热内卢流域(RPDB),径流趋势从减少到增加,大约在20世纪中叶。与季节变化无关,该区域当前观察到的流量变化主要由低流量时段流量增加引起。相反,大多数巴塔哥尼亚河流都呈现负排放趋势,主要发生在夏季的一些南方夏季月份,在黑人河中尤为明显。当考虑南美洲南部的历史流量变化时,频谱分析提供了年际,准年代和准双年代周期的证据。除贝尔梅霍河和皮尔科马约河外,该地区大多数河流都表现出类似EL Nino的年际周期。在RPDB中,在20世纪期间,年际周期从相似的2年到相似的5年波段改变为相似的5年到相似的7年波段,介于1935年和1970年之间。在巴塔哥尼亚,振荡显示最大功率与1930年相似,在科罗拉多州与1980年相似,而在更南部(内格罗河和丘布特河),最大功率与1950年相似。准年代际信号在RPDB中很强,特别是在巴塔哥尼亚靠近所谓的干旱对角线的科罗拉多州,大概是由于低空急流(LLJ)的影响而发出这一信号。在其他巴塔哥尼亚河流中,这种周期性非常明显。最后,在RPDB,巴塔哥尼亚的科罗拉多河和圣克鲁斯河中,准双峰签名似乎仅限于Bermejo和Iguacu河。



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