首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Quantifying uncertainty due to random errors for moment analyses of breakthrough curves

Quantifying uncertainty due to random errors for moment analyses of breakthrough curves


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The uncertainty in moments calculated from breakthrough curves (BTCs) is investigated as a function of random measurement errors in the data used to define the BTCs. The method presented assumes moments are calculated by numerical integration using the trapezoidal rule, and is theoretically applicable to moments of any order. Moreover, the method is applicable to either temporal or volumetric moments, and in the latter case, explicitly accounts for errors in volume measurements. The complexity of the calculations for the zeroth moment is comparable to that associated with the typical propagation-of-errors formula based on a Taylor series expansion. However, the formulae for higher moments are substantially more complex than the typical propagation-of-errors formula. For the zeroth and normalized first moments, moment uncertainties are more sensitive to random errors in concentration measurements compared to random errors in volume measurements. The robust nature of moment calculations is exemplified by the fact that relative uncertainty in moments is less than the relative error in volume and concentration measurements. Furthermore, moment uncertainty decreases as more data points are collected to define the BTC. For a BTC (based upon the solution to the one-dimensional advective-dispersion equation with a Peclet number of 10) with 100 data points, the zeroth moment and normalized first moment coefficient of variations are approximately 6 and 2%, respectively, for concentration coefficient of variation equal to 25% over a range of volume errors. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:根据用于定义BTC的数据中随机测量误差的函数,研究了根据突破曲线(BTC)计算出的力矩不确定性。提出的方法假设力矩是使用梯形法则通过数值积分计算得出的,并且在理论上适用于任何阶次的力矩。此外,该方法适用于时间或体积力矩,在后一种情况下,可以明确考虑体积测量中的误差。零矩的计算复杂度可与基于泰勒级数展开式的典型误差传播公式相关联。但是,较高矩的公式比典型的误差传播公式要复杂得多。对于零矩和标准化的第一矩,与体积测量中的随机误差相比,矩不确定性对浓度测量中的随机误差更为敏感。力矩计算的鲁棒性由以下事实证明:力矩的相对不确定性小于体积和浓度测量的相对误差。此外,随着收集更多数据点以定义BTC,力矩不确定性降低。对于具有100个数据点的BTC(基于Peclet数为10的一维对流弥散方程的解),浓度的零阶矩和归一化第一矩变异系数分别为大约6%和2%。在一定的体积误差范围内,变异系数等于25%。 (c)2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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