首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Origin of the high variability of water mineral content in the bedrock aquifers of Southern Madagascar

Origin of the high variability of water mineral content in the bedrock aquifers of Southern Madagascar


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This study assesses the causes of the high spatial variability of the mineral content of groundwater in crystalline bedrock of Southern Madagascar. Although many kilometres from the coast and at a mean altitude of 400 m a.s.l, wells drilled in this area produce water with electrical conductivities in the range of 300-30,000 mu S cm(-1) with a high spatial variability. Chemical and isotopic data are used to identify the processes involved in the groundwater mineralization. It is shown that the chemical composition of the groundwater in this region has its origin in (i) normal silicate and carbonate weathering reactions and (ii) input of marine salts, probably via rainfall recharge, modified by evapo-concentrative processes probably including precipitation and re-dissolution of secondary evaporites in the unsaturated zone. To obtain a better understanding of the spatial salinity distribution, well parameters such as yields, weathered zone thickness, weathered materials and morphological positions (upper slope, mid-slope, lower slope or valley bottom) are scrutinized.A correlation was found between high salinity and low flow, shallow groundwater environments (flat hill tops, valley bottoms, weakly developed and clayey weathered zones) and between low salinity and high flow environments (granular, well-developed weathered zones and situation on valley slopes). (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究评估了马达加斯加南部结晶基岩中地下水矿物质含量高空间变异性的原因。尽管距海岸数公里,平均海拔高度为400 m a.s.l,但在该地区钻探的井产生的水的电导率在300-30,000μS cm(-1)范围内,并且具有很大的空间变异性。化学和同位素数据可用于识别与地下水矿化有关的过程。结果表明,该地区地下水的化学成分起源于(i)正常的硅酸盐和碳酸盐风化反应和(ii)可能通过降雨补给的海盐输入,其蒸发浓缩过程可能包括降雨和降水。次生蒸发物在不饱和区的再溶解为了更好地了解空间盐分分布,我们对诸如产量,风化带厚度,风化材料和形态位置(上坡度,中坡度,下坡度或谷底)等井参数进行了研究,发现高盐度之间存在相关性。低盐度和高流量环境(颗粒状,发达的风化带和山谷斜坡的情况)以及低流量,浅层地下水环境(平坦的山顶,山谷底部,发育较弱和黏性风化带)之间。 (C)2005 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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