首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences >Modeling of snow and ice melt at ETH Camp (West Greenland): A study of surface albedo - art. no. 4231

Modeling of snow and ice melt at ETH Camp (West Greenland): A study of surface albedo - art. no. 4231

机译:ETH营地(西格陵兰)的冰雪融化模型:地表反照率研究-艺术。没有。 4231

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1] The objective of this paper is to present the validation over Greenland of a thermodynamic snow-ice model that was complemented with the snow metamorphism and albedo parameterizations of the Centre d'Etudes de la Neige (Grenoble, France) in order to make the surface albedo variable and interactive. Special attention is given to the surface albedo since it is the most important parameter in energy exchanges with the atmosphere for snow and ice melt. The development of an integrated (snow, ice, and water) albedo model takes into account the different surface types observed on an ice sheet, and the snow albedo is calculated from the simulated surface snow grains. The validation for a polar site has been done at ETH Camp (West Greenland, 1155 m above sea level) during the 1990 and 1991 summer seasons. Although both ablation seasons differed greatly (in 1990 it showed a negative mass balance while in 1991 it ended with a positive mass balance), a single model configuration was able to provide good results for both 1990 and 1991. These simulations show that the snow metamorphism laws included enable an accurate simulation of the surface albedo and henceforth of the surface mass balance for a polar site, provided that the snow model is correctly forced at its surface level and that meltwater retention, percolation, and drainage are well represented in the snow model. The model results are also compared with two other modeling approaches, and differences between the three snow models are detailed. [References: 40
机译:1]本文的目的是在格陵兰岛上提出一种热力学雪冰模型的验证,该模型与法国埃特德斯·德拉涅伊格中心(法国格勒诺布尔)的雪变质作用和反照率参数化相辅相成。表面反照率变量且具有交互性。特别要注意地表反照率,因为它是与大气进行雪和冰融化能量交换的最重要参数。综合(雪,冰和水)反照率模型的开发考虑了在冰原上观测到的不同地表类型,并且根据模拟的地表雪粒计算了雪反照率。在1990年和1991年夏季,极地站点的验证已在ETH营地(西格陵兰,海拔1155 m)完成。尽管两个消融季节都有很大差异(1990年显示负质量平衡,而1991年结束时质量平衡为正),但单个模型配置能够为1990年和1991年提供良好的结果。这些模拟表明,雪变质作用包括在内的定律可以精确模拟极地的表面反照率及以后的表面质量平衡,条件是雪模型必须在其表面水平正确施压,并且雪模型中可以很好地表示融水的滞留,渗滤和排水。还将模型结果与其他两种建模方法进行了比较,并详细说明了三种雪模型之间的差异。 [参考:40



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