首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences >Estimating the thickness of the free gas zone beneath Hydrate Ridge, Oregon continental margin, from seismic velocities and attenuation

Estimating the thickness of the free gas zone beneath Hydrate Ridge, Oregon continental margin, from seismic velocities and attenuation


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Recent Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) results in the Oregon accretionary prism and on the Blake Ridge indicate that the zone containing free gas beneath the hydrate-bearing near-surface sediments is considerably thicker than previously thought. In this paper, we present results from travel time inversion of refracted seismic waves that show very low (<1.85 km/s) velocities extending for 500-600 m beneath the base of the gas hydrate stability zone in Hydrate Ridge on the Oregon continental margin near ODP site 892. The low-velocity near-surface layer extends across Hydrate Ridge and beneath the adjacent continental slope to the east. Because Pliocene sediments are exposed at the crest of Hydrate Ridge in an erosional setting, we suggest that these low velocities indicate the extent of a zone of dispersed free gas rather than recent sedimentation. Strong frequency-dependent attenuation of amplitudes is observed for P waves crossing this zone. Amplitude spectra, referenced to spectra for similar accretionary complex paths that do not cross the interpreted gassy layer, indicate a very low P wave quality factor (Q(P)) within this zone, with Q(P) 12 compared to Q(P) > 100 in the "normal" accretionary complex sediments west of Hydrate Ridge. These results suggest that refraction seismic techniques are a powerful way to constrain the depth to which free gas is present in sediments beneath the hydrate stability zone. Defining the extent of the free gas zone is an important factor for estimating the total volume of gas present and for evaluating its impact on slope stability and potential contribution to global climate change. [References: 43]
机译:最近的海洋钻探计划(ODP)在俄勒冈州的增生棱镜上进行了研究,并在布雷克山脊上表明,含水合物的近地表沉积物下方的含游离气体的区域比以前认为的要厚得多。在本文中,我们给出了折射地震波的传播时间反演的结果,这些折射波显示出非常低的速度(<1.85 km / s),在俄勒冈州大陆边缘的水合物岭中的天然气水合物稳定带底部下方延伸了500-600 m靠近ODP站点892。低速近地表层横跨Hydrate Ridge并延伸到东部的相邻大陆坡之下。由于上新世沉积物在侵蚀环境中暴露于水合物山脊的顶峰,因此我们认为这些较低的速度指示的是分散的游离气体区域的范围,而不是最近的沉积。对于穿过该区域的P波,观察到了振幅的强烈的频率相关衰减。振幅频谱参考了未穿过气体层的类似增生复杂路径的频谱,表明该区域内的P波品质因数(Q(P))非常低,与之相比,Q(P)<类似于> 12水合物岭以西的“正常”增生复合物中Q(P)> 100。这些结果表明,折射地震技术是一种有效的方法,可以限制水合物稳定区下方沉积物中游离气体的深度。定义自由气体区的范围是评估存在的天然气总量以及评估其对边坡稳定性的影响以及对全球气候变化的潜在贡献的重要因素。 [参考:43]



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