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Risk prediction in subjects with high-normal blood pressure.


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The seventh edition of the United States Joint National Committee on prevention, detection and treatment of high blood pressure (BP) coined the term prehyperten-sion for a BP level of 120-139/80-89 mmHg . This was based on the acknowledgement of a continuous relationship between BP and cardiovascular risk and the increased risk of developing future hypertension defined as a BP of more than or equal to 140/90 mmHg in those subjects with a current BP between of 120-139/80-89 mmHg compared with those with a current BP lower than 120/80 mmHg. This new definition also aimed at raising awareness for the implementation of lifestyle changes in all prehypertensive subjects in order to lower cardiovascular risk. The European Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology (ESH/ESC) Committee, however, kept the definition of high normal (130-139/85-89 mmHg), normal (120-129/80-84 mmHg) and optimal BP (< 120/80 mmHg) in the latest guidelines of 2007 [2]. One of the reasons for not adopting the definition of prehypertension was that there is a graded increase of risk for future hypertension, being higher in those with high normal than in those with normal BP, and thus, no need to join these two groups together [3,4]. Another reason was to avoid anxiety created by the term prehypertension. The major issue, however, was that even though lifestyle changes are certainly of value in subjects with this BP level, some may actually need antihypertensive drug treatment when taking their estimated total cardiovascular risk into account.
机译:美国预防,检测和治疗高血压联合国家委员会(BP)的第七版提出了术语“高血压”,血压水平为120-139 / 80-89 mmHg。这是基于以下认识:血压与心血管风险之间存在持续的关系,而未来血压升高的风险增加,这被定义为当前BP在120-139 /之间的受试者的BP大于或等于140/90 mmHg。 80-89 mmHg,而电流BP低于120/80 mmHg。这个新定义还旨在提高人们对在所有高血压前期人群中实施生活方式改变的认识,以降低心血管疾病的风险。然而,欧洲高血压学会/欧洲心脏病学会(ESH / ESC)委员会保留了高正常血压(130-139 / 85-89 mmHg),正常血压(120-129 / 80-84 mmHg)和最佳血压的定义(<120/80 mmHg)在2007年的最新指南中[2]。不采用高血压前定义的原因之一是,未来高血压的风险分阶段增加,正常血压高的人群比正常血压的人群更高,因此,无需将这两个人群放在一起[ 3,4]。另一个原因是要避免由高血压前期引起的焦虑。然而,主要的问题是,即使生活方式改变对具有这种BP水平的受试者无疑是有价值的,但在考虑其估计的总心血管风险时,有些人实际上可能仍需要降压药治疗。



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