首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications >Evolution equations for analytical study of digital signals in waveguides

Evolution equations for analytical study of digital signals in waveguides


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The excitation and propagation problem of the digital signals in a hollow waveguide is considered by an analytical time-domain method. The waveguide is geometrically regular along Oz axis, and its cross section is a closed singly connected domain. The waveguide surface is a perfect electric conductor. A complete set of TE and TM waveguide modes is obtained in Time Domain (TD) directly. Every modal field is deduced as the sum of its longitudinal and transverse vector components, where each component is the product of two factors. One factor is an element of the waveguide modal basis, which is a vector function of the transverse waveguide coordinates. The other one is a modal amplitude of appropriate field component, which is a scalar function of time t and the axial coordinate z. All the elements of the modal basis are specified via two scalar potentials. They are eigensolutions (normalized in a proper way) of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary eigenvalue problems for the Laplacian. Every element of the modal basis satisfies appropriate boundary conditions over the waveguide surface. The modal amplitudes are solutions of a system of evolution partial differential equations. The problem of Walsh function signals in the waveguide is solved explicitly in compliance with the causality principle and the special theory of relativity. [References: 15]
机译:通过解析时域方法考虑了中空波导中数字信号的激发和传播问题。波导沿Oz轴在几何上是规则的,其横截面为封闭的单连接域。波导表面是理想的电导体。直接在时域(TD)中获得完整的TE和TM波导模式集。每个模态场都推导为其纵向和横向矢量分量之和,其中每个分量都是两个因子的乘积。一个因素是波导模态基础的元素,它是横向波导坐标的矢量函数。另一个是适当场分量的模态振幅,它是时间t和轴向坐标z的标量函数。模态基础的所有元素都是通过两个标量势指定的。它们是拉普拉斯算子的Dirichlet和Neumann边界特征值问题的特征解(以适当的方式归一化)。模态基础的每个元素都在波导表面上满足适当的边界条件。模态振幅是演化偏微分方程组的解。遵循因果关系原理和相对论的特殊原理,明确解决了波导中的沃尔什函数信号问题。 [参考:15]



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