首页> 外文期刊>Journal of hand therapy: Official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists >Early controlled mobilization using dart-throwing motion with a twist for the conservative management of an intra-articular distal radius fracture and scapholunate ligament injury: A case report

Early controlled mobilization using dart-throwing motion with a twist for the conservative management of an intra-articular distal radius fracture and scapholunate ligament injury: A case report


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This case describes an early controlled mobilization (ECM) approach that uses dart-throwing motion (DTM) with a twist orthoses as an alternative to immobilization for conservative management of a minimally displaced and intra-articular distal radius styloid fracture with an associated scapholunate ligament injury in a 47-year-old female health care administrator UP). Pain-free active DTM began at day 10 (5 times/d) with a dynamic DTM with a twist orthosis worn during the day from weeks 3 to 6. At 6 weeks, JP had pain-free functional mobility and strength with minimal limitation in household and occupational activities, returning to her normal sporting activities by 3 months. ECM led to rapid return of normal functioning in the short term with no apparent impact on intermediate outcomes at 8 months. This case allows hand therapists to consider a similar ECM approach for the management of similar injuries in their patients.
机译:该案例描述了一种早期控制式动员(ECM)方法,该方法使用投掷矫形器的投掷飞镖(DTM)作为固定化的替代方案,以保守治疗最小位移和关节内骨远端茎突骨折并伴有肩cap骨韧带损伤在一个47岁的女性医疗保健管理员中)。无痛活动DTM从第10天开始(5次/ d),而动态DTM从第3周到​​第6周的一天内佩戴扭转矫形器。在6周时,JP具有无痛的功能活动性和力量,并且在以下方面的限制最小家庭和职业活动,到3个月后恢复正常的体育活动。 ECM可在短期内迅速恢复正常功能,而对8个月的中期结局无明显影响。这种情况下,手部治疗师可以考虑采用类似的ECM方法来治疗患者的类似损伤。



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