首页> 外文期刊>Diffusion and Defect Data. Solid State Data, Part A. Defect and Diffusion Forum >Analytical Solution of Unsteady Heat Diffusion within a Porous Copper Layer Deposited on Alumina Substrate and Subjected to a Moving Laser Beam

Analytical Solution of Unsteady Heat Diffusion within a Porous Copper Layer Deposited on Alumina Substrate and Subjected to a Moving Laser Beam


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An analytical approach of transient heat conduction in a two layered material, in finite dimensions within imperfect thermal contact, subjected to a moving Gaussian laser beam was achieved. The result of this study allows on the one hand an easy access to the distribution and the evolution of the temperature in both layers of the workpiece; on the other hand permits to clarify the influence of the contact quality on the temperature gap at the interface,. The effect of a porous grannular deposit layer was also considered in this study A design of electronic tracks by laser cladding was studied as an application example in the surface treatment area; this model can be also used to estimate the thermal contact resistance between layers.



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