首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Composition and Analysis >Determination of total oxalate contents of a great variety of foods commonly available in Southern China using an oxalate oxidase prepared from wheat bran.

Determination of total oxalate contents of a great variety of foods commonly available in Southern China using an oxalate oxidase prepared from wheat bran.


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The total oxalate contents of various vegetables, legume seeds, cereals, fruits and nuts commonly available in Southern China were determined using an improved enzymatic method. Spinach, xeric water spinach (grows on moist soil), amaranth, bamboo shoot, ginger, Chinese wolfberry, rice bean and black glutinous rice contained more than 100 mg oxalate/100 g FW, but leaf mustard, white radish, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onion, gourd except bitter melon, tomato, pepper, chufa, kelp, mushroom, soybean sprout and cowpea contained less than 10 mg oxalate/100 g FW. The oxalate contents of star fruit and dragon fruit were 111.4 and 97.1 mg/100 g FW, respectively, and those of other fruits except strawberry and black plum were less than 20 mg/100 g FW. Almond, cashew, hazel, pine nut and abalone fruit contained more than 150 mg total oxalate/100 g FW, and the oxalate levels in Chinese torreya fruit, peanut, pistachio and walnut ranged from 54.1 to 83.1 mg/100 g FW. Based on the results obtained, water spinach, Chinese wolfberry, black glutinous rice, dragon fruit, rice bean, abalone fruit and Chinese torreya fruit should also be considered as high oxalate-foods. The enzymatic method used in the present study enabled us to perform a large-scale quantitative investigation of oxalate contents of different foods. All rights reserved, Elsevier.
机译:使用改进的酶法测定了华南地区常见的各种蔬菜,豆类种子,谷物,水果和坚果中的草酸总含量。菠菜,干水菠菜(在潮湿的土壤上生长),a菜,竹笋,姜,枸杞,黄豆和黑糯米所含的草酸盐/ 100 mg FW超过100 mg,但芥菜,白萝卜,西兰花,花椰菜,卷心菜,洋葱,葫芦(苦瓜,西红柿,胡椒,粗制海带,海带,蘑菇,大豆芽和cow豆除外)中的草酸含量低于10 mg / 100 FW。杨桃和火龙果的草酸含量分别为111.4和97.1 mg / 100 g FW,除草莓和黑李以外的其他水果的草酸含量均低于20 mg / 100 g FW。杏仁,腰果,榛子,松子和鲍鱼果实中的草酸总含量超过150 mg / 100 g FW,而香to果实,花生,开心果和核桃中的草酸盐含量范围为54.1至83.1 mg / 100 g FW。根据获得的结果,菠菜,枸杞,黑糯米,火龙果,黄豆,鲍鱼果和香Chinese果也应被视为草酸含量高的食物。本研究中使用的酶法使我们能够对不同食品中草酸盐的含量进行大规模定量研究。保留所有权利,Elsevier。



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