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Application of glycosidase activity as a marker for characterizing and identifying vegetables.


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For the first time, glycosidase (EC 3.2.2.) activity was applied to characterize and identify vegetables. To measure glycosidase activity in vegetables, 4-methylumbelliferyl (4MU) glycoside (Gly) was employed as the fluorescence enzyme substrate. By using either a cuvette-type or a 96-well micro-plate-type fluorescence reader, 7 kinds of glycosidase, including alpha-D-glucosidase ( alpha-Glc-ase), beta-D-glucosidase ( beta-Glc-ase), beta-D-galactosidase (Gal-ase), alpha-D-mannnosidase (Man-ase), N-acetyl- beta-D-glucosaminidase (GlcNAc-ase), beta-D-glucuronidase (GA-ase) and beta-D-xylosidase (Xyl-ase) were measured by incubating extracts of vegetables in the presence of 4MU-Gly at pH 6.0 for 60 min at 38 degrees C. After optimizing, both methods were applied to food matrices that included 10 different vegetables. Results of the application to both domestic and imported garlic (Allium sativum) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), revealed that the glycosidase activities of Man-ase and GlcNAc-ase showed significant differences (p < 0.01, n = 10) between domestic and imported varieties for both vegetables. Furthermore, the glycosidase activities in 30 heads of cabbage (B. oleracea L. var. capitata) itemized into 6 different cultivars were measured, and each profile was analyzed by employing a multivariate analysis. The results of their chemometric analyses showed that 29 out of 30 heads of cabbage were simultaneously and correctly discriminated into 6 different cultivars
机译:首次将糖苷酶(EC 3.2.2)活性用于表征和鉴定蔬菜。为了测量蔬菜中的糖苷酶活性,将4-甲基伞形糖基(4MU)糖苷(Gly)用作荧光酶底物。通过使用比色杯型或96孔微孔板型荧光读取器,可以检测7种糖苷酶,包括α-D-葡萄糖苷酶(α-Glc-ase),β-D-葡萄糖苷酶(β-Glc-ase) ),β-​​D-半乳糖苷酶(Gal-ase),α-D-甘露糖苷酶(Man-ase),N-乙酰基-β-D-葡萄糖苷酶(GlcNAc-ase),β-D-葡糖醛酸糖苷酶(GA-ase)和β-D-木糖苷酶(木糖酶)的测定方法是:在4MU-Gly存在下于38℃在pH 6.0下将蔬菜提取物孵育60分钟。优化后,两种方法均适用于包含10种不同蔬菜的食品基质。对国产和进口大蒜( Sativum )和西兰花( italica )的施用结果均表明,糖苷酶活性两种蔬菜的国产品种和进口品种之间,Man-ase和GlcNAc-ase的含量显示出显着差异( p <0.01, n = 10)。此外,测定了分为6个不同品种的30头甘蓝(B. oleracea L. var。 capitata )头中的糖苷酶活性,并通过使用多元分析。他们的化学计量分析结果表明,在30头大白菜中,有29头同时正确地被分为6个不同品种



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