首页> 外文期刊>Clinical rheumatology >Short-interval lower-dose intravenous cyclophosphamide as induction and maintenance therapy for lupus nephritis: A prospective observational study

Short-interval lower-dose intravenous cyclophosphamide as induction and maintenance therapy for lupus nephritis: A prospective observational study


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Cyclophosphamide (CYC) has long been considered a gold standard in inducing renal remission and preventing renal flares for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). However, the rational use of CYC has not reached a consensus, such as the timing and length of treatment, the route of administration, and the ideal dosage. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of short-interval lower-dose (SILD) intravenous (IV) CYC in the treatment of SLE. A total of 225 patients with lupus nephritis were randomly assigned to a 1-year trial, either the SILD group (12 fortnightly pulses at a fixed dose of 400 mg followed by 6 monthly pulses) or high-dose (HD) group (6 monthly pulses followed by two quarterly pulses at a dose of 0.5~1.0 g/m2). At 6 months of treatment, 28 % (30/107) of patients in the SILD group reached a complete remission (CR), and 51.4 % (55/107) were in partial remission (PR), as compared with 32.7 % (35/107) and 45.8 % (49/107) in the HD group, respectively. Serum albumin, 24-h urinary protein, and the scores of disease activity were significantly improved in both groups at 6 months and maintained at the end of clinical trial. However, the SILD group showed much less menstrual disturbances (11.5 %), gastrointestinal adverse effects (5.3 %), and leukopenia (9.7 %) than the HD group (28.6, 26.8, and 19.8 %, respectively) at the end of clinical trial. The efficacy of the short-interval lower-dose (SILD) IV CYC regimen in the treatment of lupus nephritis is equivalent to that of the high-dose (HD) regimen, whereas the incidence of adverse events is much lower in the SILD group.
机译:长期以来,环磷酰胺(CYC)被认为是诱导系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者的肾脏缓解和预防肾脏耀斑的金标准。但是,CYC的合理使用尚未达成共识,例如治疗的时间和时间长短,给药途径和理想剂量。这项研究的目的是评估短期间隔低剂量(SILD)静脉(IV)CYC治疗SLE的疗效和安全性。总共225例狼疮性肾炎患者被随机分配至1年期试验,即SILD组(每两周两次以固定剂量400 mg进行脉搏,然后每6个月一次脉搏)或高剂量(HD)组(每6个月一次)脉冲,然后每两个季度脉冲一次,剂量为0.5〜1.0 g / m2)。在治疗6个月后,SILD组中28%(30/107)的患者达到了完全缓解(CR),部分缓解(PR)的患者达到了51.4%(55/107),而32.7%(35) / HD组中的比例分别为/ 107)和45.8%(49/107)。两组在6个月时血清白蛋白,24小时尿蛋白和疾病活性评分均得到了显着改善,并在临床试验结束时得以维持。然而,在临床试验结束时,SILD组的月经紊乱(11.5%),胃肠道不良反应(5.3%)和白细胞减少症(9.7%)要比HD组(分别为28.6%,26.8%和19.8%)少得多。 。短间隔小剂量(SILD)IV CYC方案治疗狼疮肾炎的疗效与大剂量(HD)方案相当,而SILD组的不良事件发生率要低得多。



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