首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention >An Analytical Model to Measure the Effectiveness of Safety Management Systems: Global Safety Improve Risk Assessment (G-SIRA) Method

An Analytical Model to Measure the Effectiveness of Safety Management Systems: Global Safety Improve Risk Assessment (G-SIRA) Method


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The ever-increasing complexity of production systems, together with the need to obtain efficient processes with limited costs, has led companies to develop custom tools for process control and management. Even for risk assessment, the traditional models often are overcome by methods that are best suited to specific needs. In this context, the aim of this paper was to propose a new model, which we call the global safety improve risk assessment (G-SIRA). This model can classify risks and identify corrective actions that allow the best risk reduction at the lowest cost. The proposed model, which is based on improvements to previous research, uses the analytic hierarchy process approach to develop a valid and simple tool for risk management. The G-SIRA method has been tested in a real-world application, i.e., it was applied to all of the processes of a textile company, and the results were compared with those obtained from the classical approach failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis. The comparison clearly showed the effectiveness of the proposed model.
机译:生产系统的日益复杂,以及以有限的成本获得有效流程的需求,促使公司开发用于流程控制和管理的定制工具。即使是进行风险评估,传统模型通常也可以通过最适合特定需求的方法来克服。在这种情况下,本文的目的是提出一种新的模型,我们称之为全球安全改进风险评估(G-SIRA)。该模型可以对风险进行分类并确定纠正措施,以最低的成本实现最大的风险降低。所提出的模型基于对先前研究的改进,使用层次分析层次方法来开发有效且简单的风险管理工具。 G-SIRA方法已在实际应用中进行了测试,即已应用于纺织公司的所有流程,并将结果与​​通过经典方法的失败模式,影响和临界分析获得的结果进行了比较。 。比较清楚地表明了该模型的有效性。




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