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Do corticosteroids have a role in preventing or reducing acute toxic lung injury caused by inhalation of chemical agents?


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the evidence that treatment with corticosteroids improves the outcome in those exposed to lung-damaging agents. METHODS: We searched Pubmed, Toxnet, Cochrane database, Google Scholar, and Embase from 1966 to January 2010 using the search terms "steroid", "corticosteroid", "lung injury", lung damage 118 contained information on animal studies. However, most were reviews or case reports and only a few were controlled animal experiments of which 13 were considered relevant. ROLE OF CORTICOSTEROIDS: ANIMAL STUDIES: Corticosteroids have no beneficial effect at the alveolar level on acute lung injury, which is caused by inhalation of poorly water-soluble compounds (e.g. nitrogen dioxide, ozone, phosgene) or following severe exposure to water-soluble compounds (e.g. chlorine, ammonia). In the recovery phase, corticosteroids may even be harmful, because corticosteroids hamper the division of type II alveolar cells and hamper the differentiation from type II into type I alveolar cells. The latter is important for the re-epithelialization of the alveolus and removal of excess of water in the alveolus. Furthermore, the quality of animal studies does not always allow extrapolation to human exposures. Differences between humans and animals in anatomy, pulmonary defense systems, breathing physiology, as well as the way the animals have been exposed, and the timing and route of corticosteroids in animal studies make predictions difficult. ROLE OF CORTICOSTEROIDS: HUMAN STUDIES: An abundance of uncontrolled case reports and a few human crossover studies have evaluated the outcome of human volunteers exposed to various lung-damaging agents. Only a few reports contained systematic information on corticosteroid treatment. Data on the efficacy of corticosteroids after human exposure to lung-damaging agents are inconclusive. Often the number of patients involved is small or the severity of exposure is unclear or not well determined. These reports are therefore limited in their ability to establish a cause-effect relationship for the treatments involved. In some studies involving mild to moderate exposure to water-soluble agents (e.g. chlorine, ammonia), corticosteroid treatment was beneficial for some physiological parameters, such as airway resistance or arterial oxygen tension. However, severe lung injury and inflammation appear not to be improved by corticosteroid treatment. The optimal duration of treatment to obtain these beneficial effects has not been assessed adequately, but it only seems to be useful in the first hours after exposure. Generally, studies evaluating exposure to water-soluble compounds have too short a follow-up, which hampers the evaluation of the efficacy of corticosteroid treatment. The results of studies with longer follow-up suggest that the initial slight improvement in some variables is lost several hours after exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical data on the efficacy of corticosteroids after human exposure to lung-damaging agents are inconclusive as the number of well-structured controlled studies is small and the indications for administration of corticosteroids are unclear. There have been no human controlled studies of high-dose exposure to lung-damaging agents. Furthermore, treatment with corticosteroids is limited by the potential side effects, such as prolonged neuromuscular weakness, deregulation of glucose metabolism, superinfection, and sepsis, which could diminish the chances for recovery.
机译:目的:评估证据显示皮质类固醇激素治疗可改善暴露于肺损伤药物的患者的结局。方法:从1966年至2010年1月,我们使用搜索词“类固醇”,“皮质类固醇”,“肺损伤”,肺损伤118包含了有关动物研究的信息,对Pubmed,Toxnet,Cochrane数据库,Google Scholar和Embase进行了搜索。但是,大多数是评论或病例报告,只有少数是对照动物实验,其中有13例被认为是相关的。皮质类固醇的作用:动物研究:皮质类固醇在肺泡水平上对急性肺损伤没有有益作用,这种急性肺损伤是由于吸入水溶性差的化合物(例如二氧化氮,臭氧,光气)或严重暴露于水溶性化合物引起的(例如氯,氨)。在恢复阶段,皮质类固醇甚至可能有害,因为皮质类固醇会阻碍II型肺泡细胞的分裂并阻碍从II型向I型肺泡细胞的分化。后者对于肺泡的再上皮化和去除肺泡中多余的水很重要。此外,动物研究的质量并不总是允许推断人类暴露。人与动物在解剖学,肺部防御系统,呼吸生理以及动物暴露方式方面的差异,以及动物研究中皮质类固醇的时间和途径的差异使预测变得困难。糖皮质激素的作用:人体研究:大量不受控制的病例报告和一些人体交叉研究已经评估了暴露于各种肺损伤剂的人类志愿者的结果。只有少数报告包含有关皮质类固醇治疗的系统信息。人类暴露于肺损伤剂后皮质类固醇功效的数据尚无定论。通常所涉及的患者人数很少或暴露的严重程度不清楚或不确定。因此,这些报告为所涉及的治疗建立因果关系的能力有限。在一些涉及轻度至中度暴露于水溶性试剂(例如氯,氨)的研究中,皮质类固醇激素治疗对某些生理参数(如气道阻力或动脉血氧压)有益。然而,皮质类固醇激素治疗并不能改善严重的肺损伤和炎症。尚未充分评估获得这些有益效果的最佳治疗持续时间,但似乎仅在暴露后的头几个小时有用。通常,评估水溶性化合物暴露的研究随访时间太短,这妨碍了对皮质类固醇治疗功效的评估。随访时间较长的研究结果表明,暴露后数小时,一些变量的最初轻微改善消失了。结论:人体暴露于肺损伤药物后皮质类固醇疗效的临床数据尚无定论,因为结构良好的对照研究数量很少,并且皮质类固醇给药的适应症尚不清楚。尚无有关高剂量暴露于肺损伤药物的人体对照研究。此外,皮质类固醇的治疗受到潜在副作用的限制,例如长期的神经肌肉无力,葡萄糖代谢失调,过度感染和败血症,这可能会减少康复的机会。



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