首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >The effect of dentin on the pulp tissue dissolution capacity of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide

The effect of dentin on the pulp tissue dissolution capacity of sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide


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Introduction: Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2) have tissue dissolution capacity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential effect of dentin on their tissue dissolution capacity in a novel dentin model. Methods: Dentin models were prepared from 25 freshly extracted human molar teeth; the crowns were separated from the roots, and a rectangular inner shape was prepared. Pulp tissue samples adjusted to similar weights of 6.5 ± 0.2 mg were randomly divided into 6 groups: NaOCl groups in test tubes or dentin models for 1 hour, Ca(OH)2 groups in test tubes or dentin models for 1 week, and control groups saline in test tubes or dentin models for 1 week. The final weights after the experimental period were checked and compared with the initial weights. The differences were statistically analyzed. Results: The tissue dissolution capacity of Ca(OH) 2 was affected by the presence of dentin. Similarly, NaOCl lost its effect on the pulp tissue after incubation in dentin. Comparison between all test groups showed highly significant differences (P .001). Conclusions: Dentin has a detrimental effect on the ability of NaOCl and Ca(OH)2 to dissolve pulp tissue. The dentin model appears to be an efficient tool for the study of interactions between local endodontic medicaments, dentin, and pulp tissue.
机译:简介:次氯酸钠(NaOCl)和氢氧化钙(Ca [OH] 2)具有组织溶解能力。这项研究的目的是评估在新型牙本质模型中牙本质对其组织溶解能力的潜在影响。方法:用25颗新鲜提取的人类磨牙制备牙本质模型。将冠与根分开,并准备矩形内部形状。将重量调整为6.5±0.2 mg的纸浆组织样本随机分为6组:试管或牙本质模型中的NaOCl组1小时,试管或牙本质模型中的Ca(OH)2组1周,以及对照组在试管或牙本质模型中添加生理盐水1周。检查实验期后的最终重量,并将其与初始重量进行比较。对差异进行统计分析。结果:Ca(OH)2的组织溶解能力受到牙本质的影响。类似地,在牙本质中孵育后,NaOCl对牙髓组织失去作用。所有测试组之间的比较显示出非常显着的差异(P <.001)。结论:牙本质对NaOCl和Ca(OH)2溶解牙髓组织的能力有不利影响。牙本质模型似乎是研究局部牙髓药物,牙本质和牙髓组织之间相互作用的有效工具。



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