首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endodontics: Official Journal of American Association of Endodontists >Effect of asymmetry on the behavior of prototype rotary triple helix root canal instruments

Effect of asymmetry on the behavior of prototype rotary triple helix root canal instruments


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Introduction: Two factors affect the choice of instruments for root canal preparation: its ability to achieve the canal's shaping and its safety. These factors depend on the profile of the instrument and the design of its active part. In this study, we tried to assess the role of an asymmetric cross-section on the behavior of the instrument by measuring the stresses generated during the preparation of a simulated canal. Methods: Three 25-mm-long, 0.06 taper, ISO size #30 helical nickel-titanium instruments were tested. The first HeroShaper (Micro-Mega, Besan?on, France) used had a symmetric triple helix section (H0). The others, based on the HeroShaper design, had a constant asymmetry of 4/100 mm (H4) or 6/100 mm (H6). Six canals were prepared using each instrument, and the experimental conditions (ie, speed and movement) were the same for each sample. A dynamometer with a sensitivity of 0.1 N recorded the stresses transmitted by the instruments. Results: Torque and apical force increased proportionally with instrument penetration. At the end of the preparations, the axial stress averaged 7.39 N for the symmetric instrument and 5.92 and 5.15 N for the asymmetric instruments, which indicated a significant statistical analysis of variance (P <.001). The average torque was low (1.05-1.13 N.cm), which indicated a nonsignificant statistical analysis of variance (P =.2385). Conclusions: In this study, axial stresses decreased, but torque did not change with an asymmetric triple helix cross-section.
机译:简介:有两个因素会影响根管准备器械的选择:其实现根管成形的能力及其安全性。这些因素取决于仪器的外形及其有效部件的设计。在这项研究中,我们试图通过测量模拟运河的准备过程中产生的应力来评估不对称横截面在器械性能方面的作用。方法:测试了三台25毫米长,0.06锥度,ISO尺寸#30螺旋镍钛合金仪器。使用的第一个HeroShaper(Micro-Mega,法国Besan?on)具有对称的三重螺旋截面(H0)。其他基于HeroShaper设计的,具有4/100 mm(H4)或6/100 mm(H6)的恒定不对称性。每个仪器准备了六个运河,每个样品的实验条件(即速度和运动)相同。灵敏度为0.1 N的测功机记录了仪器传递的应力。结果:扭矩和顶端力与器械穿透力成比例增加。在准备工作结束时,对称仪器的轴向应力平均为7.39 N,非对称仪器的平均轴向应力为5.92和5.15 N,这表明方差有统计学显着性(P <.001)。平均扭矩很低(1.05-1.13 N.cm),这表明差异无统计学意义(P = .2385)。结论:在这项研究中,轴向应力减小,但扭矩不改变,具有不对称的三螺旋截面。



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