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Area and 3-dimensional volumetric changes of periapical lesions after root canal treatments


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Introduction This study compared the changes in size of periapical lesions after root canal treatment as revealed by periapical radiography (PA) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging using area and 3-dimensional volumetric measurements and assessed the outcome of the treatments based on these parameters. Methods Both PA and CBCT scans were taken preoperatively and at recall. In total, 50 teeth (71 roots) with evidence of periapical bone loss on both PA and CBCT images were endodontically treated and followed for 10-37 months. The area and volume of periapical lesions were measured, and changes were presented in the following 4 categories: lesion undetected, lesion reduced in size, lesion unchanged, or lesion enlarged. The McNemar and chi-square tests were used to compare the lesion changes determined by CBCT imaging and PA. Results The 4-category diagnosis made using both methods were in agreement in 39 of 71 (54.9%) roots, whereas disagreement was observed in 32 of 71 (45.1%) roots (P <.001). At recall, lesion was absent in 11 of 71 (15.5%) roots on CBCT scans and 32 of 71 (45.1%) roots on PA (P <.001). When success was defined as the absence of a lesion or a reduction in size of a lesion, 55 (77.5%) roots on CBCT imaging showed success and 63 (88.7%) roots on PA (P =.073). Conclusions Changes in lesion size after root canal treatment determined with 3-dimensional volumetric CBCT data and 2-dimensional PA data are different. The outcome of root canal treatments determined with PA could be untrue.
机译:前言这项研究比较了根管治疗后根尖周放射成像(PA)和锥束计算机断层扫描(CBCT)成像所显示的根管治疗后根尖周病变的大小变化,并使用了面积和3维体积测量结果,并根据以下方法评估了治疗结果这些参数。方法术前和召回时均进行PA和CBCT扫描。总共对50颗牙齿(71根)进行了根管治疗,并在PA和CBCT图像上均显示了根尖周骨丢失的证据,并进行了10-37个月的随访。测量根尖周病变的面积和体积,并在以下4类中显示变化:未发现病变,病变缩小,病变未改变或病变扩大。 McNemar和卡方检验用于比较CBCT成像和PA确定的病变变化。结果两种方法进行的4类诊断在71个根中的39个(54.9%)中一致,而在71个根中的32个(45.1%)中存在分歧(P <.001)。在召回时,CBCT扫描的71个根中有11个(15.5%)未见病变,PA的71个根中有32个(45.1%)未见病变(P <.001)。当将成功定义为不存在病变或病变缩小时,CBCT成像的根为55(77.5%)根,PA的根为63(88.7%)(P = .073)。结论用三维体积CBCT数据和二维PA数据确定的根管治疗后病变大小的变化是不同的。用PA确定的根管治疗结果可能不正确。



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