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A Retrospective Evaluation of the Use of Gabapentin and Pregabalin in Patients with Postherpetic Neuralgia in Usual-Care Settings


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Background: Both gabapentin and pregabalin are approved for the management of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), although dosing and pharmacokinetic differences between these medications may affect their use in actual practice. Objectives: This study was conducted to characterize the use of gabapentin and pregabalin in the management of PHN in clinical practice, with a specific focus on the doses actually prescribed and changes in the use of other neuropathic pain-related medications after the initiation of gabapentin or pregabalin. Methods: The PharMetrics Patient-Centric Database was used to identify patients with PHN who were newly prescribed gabapentin or pregabalin between September 1, 2005, and March 31, 2006. The outcomes of interest were the prevalence of comorbidi-ties, exposure to neuropathic pain-related medications (ie, the proportions of patients receiving >=1 prescription for these medications in the 6-month periods before and after the date of the first gabapentin or pregabalin prescription), and attainment of therapeutic dose levels (gabapentin, >=1800 mg/d; pregabalin, >=150 mg/d). Results: The database search identified 151 patients with PHN who were newly prescribed gabapentin (57.0% female; mean [SD] age, 55.8 [11.3] years) and 100 patients who were newly prescribed pregabalin (62.0% female; mean age, 52.8 [9.4] years). The prevalence of comorbidities did not differ significantly between recipients of prescriptions for gabapentin or pregabalin, with the exception of hyperlipidemia, which was more prevalent in those prescribed gabapentin (33.8% vs 22.0%, respectively; P = 0.044), and depression, which was more prevalent in those prescribed pregabalin (12.0% vs 4.6%, respectively; P = 0.031). In the pretreatment period, those who were prescribed pregabalin had significantly greater use of long-acting opioids (P = 0.005), anticonvulsants (P < 0.001), selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (P < 0.001), and the lidocaine 5% patch (P = 0.005) compared with those prescribed gabapentin. Use of any opioid increased from pretreatment to follow-up in those prescribed gabapentin, significantly so in those who received >=2 opioid prescriptions (P = 0.016). Use of any opioid decreased significantly from pretreatment to follow-up in those prescribed pregabalin (P = 0.005), particularly in those who received >=2 opioid prescriptions (P = 0.004). Tramadol use decreased significantly in those prescribed gabapentin (P = 0.045), and anticonvulsant use decreased significantly in those prescribed pregabalin (P = 0.004). Among patients prescribed gabapentin or pregabalin who received 1 prescription, 2 consecutive prescriptions, and >=3 consecutive prescriptions, a greater proportion of those prescribed pregabalin attained therapeutic dose levels by their first, second, and third consecutive prescriptions compared with those prescribed gabapentin (69.0% vs 3.5%, respectively [P < 0.001]; 71.4% vs 21.7% [P < 0.001]; and 89.3% vs 46.2% [P < 0.001], respectively). Conclusions: In these patients with PHN in the usual-care setting, opioid use increased after the initiation of gabapentin and decreased after the initiation of pregabalin.
机译:背景:加巴喷丁和普瑞巴林均被批准用于治疗带状疱疹后神经痛(PHN),尽管这些药物的剂量和药代动力学差异可能会影响其在实际中的使用。目的:进行这项研究是为了表征加巴喷丁和普瑞巴林在临床实践中对PHN的治疗作用,特别侧重于实际处方的剂量以及加巴喷丁或阿司匹林启动后其他神经性疼痛相关药物的使用变化。普瑞巴林。方法:使用PharMetrics患者中心数据库来识别2005年9月1日至2006年3月31日期间新开加巴喷丁或普瑞巴林处方的PHN患者。关注的结局是合并症的患病率,暴露于神经性疼痛相关药物(即,在第一个加巴喷丁或普瑞巴林处方之日前后的6个月内,接受≥= 1处方药的患者比例)和达到治疗剂量水平(加巴喷丁,≥1800) mg / d;普瑞巴林,> = 150 mg / d)。结果:数据库搜索确定了151例新开处方加巴喷丁的PHN患者(女性57.0%;平均[SD]年龄,55.8 [11.3]岁)和100例新开处方普瑞巴林的患者(女性62.0%;平均年龄52.8 [ 9.4]年)。加巴喷丁或普加巴林处方的接受者之间合并症的患病率无显着差异,高脂血症除外,高脂血症在加巴喷丁处方中更为普遍(分别为33.8%和22.0%; P = 0.044)和抑郁症,在处方的普瑞巴林中更为普遍(分别为12.0%和4.6%; P = 0.031)。在预处理期间,处方普瑞巴林的患者使用长效阿片类药物(P = 0.005),抗惊厥药(P <0.001),选择性去甲肾上腺素再摄取抑制剂(P <0.001)和利多卡因5%贴剂(P = 0.005)与加巴喷丁的处方比较。在处方加巴喷丁的患者中,从预处理到随访的任何阿片类药物的使用均显着增加,在接受≥= 2个阿片类药物处方的患者中,显着增加(P = 0.016)。从处方药到普瑞巴林的任何阿片类药物的使用从预处理到随访均显着减少(P = 0.005),尤其是那些接受≥= 2阿片类药物处方的患者(P = 0.004)。处方加巴喷丁的曲马多使用量显着减少(P = 0.045),处方普瑞巴林的抗惊厥药使用量显着减少(P = 0.004)。在接受加巴喷丁或普瑞巴林处方的患者中,他们接受了1个处方,2个连续处方和> = 3个连续处方,与该处方加巴喷丁相比,这些处方普瑞巴林的第一,第二和第三次连续处方达到治疗剂量水平的比例更高(69.0 %分别为3.5%[P <0.001],71.4%vs 21.7%[P <0.001]和89.3%vs 46.2%[P <0.001])。结论:在这些常规护理的PHN患者中,阿片类药物的使用在加巴喷丁开始后增加,而在普瑞巴林开始后减少。



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