首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >A consistent characteristic function-based test for conditional independence

A consistent characteristic function-based test for conditional independence


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Fis conditionally independent of Z given X if Pt{f(y|X,Z) =f(y|X}} = 1 for all y on its support, where f(.|.) denotes the conditional density of Y given (X,Z) or X. This paper proposes a nonparametric test of conditional independence based on the notion that two conditional distributions are equal if and only if the corresponding conditional characteristic functions are equal. We extend the test of Su and White (2005. A Hellinger-metric nonparametric test for conditional independence. Discussion Paper, Department of Economics, UCSD) in two directions: (1) our test is less sensitive to the choice of bandwidth sequences; (2) our test has power against deviations on the full support of the density of (X, Y, Z). We establish asymptotic normality for ourtest statistic under weak data dependence conditions. Simulation results suggest that the test is well behaved in finite samples. Applications to stock market data indicate that our test can reveal some interesting nonlinear dependence that a traditional linear Granger causality test fails to detect.
机译:如果在其支撑的所有y上Pt {f(y | X,Z)= f(y | X}} = 1,则Fis有条件地独立于Z给定X,其中f(。|。)表示给定Y的条件密度( (X,Z)或X.本文提出了一种非条件检验,其条件是:当且仅当相应的条件特征函数相等时,两个条件分布才相等。我们扩展了Su和White(2005. A用于条件独立性的Hellinger度量非参数检验,在两个方向上进行讨论:(1)我们的检验对带宽序列的选择不太敏感;(2)我们的检验在完全支持下具有抵抗偏差的能力(X,Y,Z)的密度。我们建立了弱数据依赖条件下我们的测试统计量的渐近正态性。仿真结果表明该测试在有限样本中表现良好。在股票数据中的应用表明我们的测试可以揭示一些有趣的非线性依赖性传统的线性格兰杰因果关系检验无法检测到。



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