首页> 外文期刊>Journal of drugs in dermatology: JDD >The efficacy, safety, and tolerability of adapalene versus benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of mild acne vulgaris: A randomized trial

The efficacy, safety, and tolerability of adapalene versus benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of mild acne vulgaris: A randomized trial


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Topical treatments, such as adapalene and benzoyl peroxide (BPO), are popular in mild-to-moderate acne vulgaris. This study aimed to compare the efficacy, safety and tolerability of adapalene and BPO in mild acne vulgaris. In this single-center, randomized, double-blind, clinical trial, 60 patients with mild acne vulgaris received either topical adapalene 0.1% gel or topical BPO 2.5% gel on their face once daily for two months. The changes of acne lesion count (efficacy), any adverse effect (safety), and the patients' overall satisfaction (tolerability) were compared after 3 months of follow-up. In both groups the mean number of noninflammatory, inflammatory and total lesions decreased significantly from baseline (10.77±5.54, 9.73±5.09, and 20.50±7.54, respectively in adapalene group; 11.50±5.92, 8.43±5.45, and 19.93±9.01, respectively in BPO group) to the third month (1.70±1.68, 0.33±0.66, and 0.50±0.78, respectively in adapalene group; 4.23±4.14, 0.33±0.71, and 4.13±4.44, respectively in BPO group; P<0.001 for all), posttreatment. Although the mean number of inflammatory lesions was significantly lower in BPO receivers only at first month (P =0.001), the mean number of noninflammatory and total lesions was significantly lower in adapalene group at second (P = 0.04 and 0.03, respectively) and third (P =0.02 and <0.001, respectively) months, posttreatment. The adverse events were minimal and self-limited (26.7% in adapalene group, 20% in BPO group, p=0.54). The patients' overall satisfaction was good to excellent in 93.3% of adapalene receivers vs. 73.3% in BPO group (P=0.08). Both topical adapalene 0.1% and BPO 2.5% gels seem safe and effective in mild acne vulgaris, with a marginal tendency toward the former.
机译:局部治疗,例如阿达帕林和过氧化苯甲酰(BPO),在轻度至中度寻常痤疮中很普遍。这项研究旨在比较阿达帕林和BPO在轻度寻常痤疮中的疗效,安全性和耐受性。在该单中心,随机,双盲临床试验中,60例轻度寻常型痤疮患者每天两次在脸上接受局部0.1%阿达帕林凝胶或局部BPO 2.5%外用凝胶治疗,持续两个月。随访3个月后比较痤疮病变数(功效),任何不良反应(安全性)和患者总体满意度(耐受性)的变化。两组的非炎性,炎性和总病变的平均数均较基线显着降低(阿达帕林组分别为10.77±5.54、9.73±5.09和20.50±7.54;阿达帕林组分别为11.50±5.92、8.43±5.45和19.93±9.01 BPO组)至第三个月(阿达帕林组分别为1.70±1.68、0.33±0.66和0.50±0.78; BPO组分别为4.23±4.14、0.33±0.71和4.13±4.44;所有P均<0.001 ),后处理。尽管仅在头一个月,BPO接受者的平均炎性病变数量显着较低(P = 0.001),但在第二和第二次(分别为P = 0.04和0.03),阿达帕林组的非炎性病变和总病变的平均数量明显较低治疗后(分别为P = 0.02和<0.001)月。不良事件极少且为自限性(阿达帕林组为26.7%,BPO组为20%,p = 0.54)。 93.3%的阿达帕林接受者对患者的总体满意度良好至极好,而BPO组则为73.3%(P = 0.08)。 0.1%的阿达帕林和2.5%的BPO凝胶在轻度寻常性痤疮中似乎都是安全有效的,对前者的倾向很小。



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