
The suicidal mind and brain: a review of neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies.


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OBJECTIVES. We aimed at reviewing studies exploring dysfunctional cognitive processes, and their neuroanatomical basis, in suicidal behaviour, and to develop a neurocognitive working model. Methods. A literature search was conducted. RESULTS. Several limitations were found. The main reported neuropsychological findings are a higher attention to specific negative emotional stimuli, impaired decision-making, lower problem-solving abilities, reduced verbal fluency, and possible reduced non-specific attention and reversal learning in suicide attempters. Neuroimaging studies mainly showed the involvement of ventrolateral orbital, dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices, the anterior cingulate gyrus, and, to a lesser extent, the amygdala. In addition, alterations in white matter connections are suggested. CONCLUSIONS. These studies support the concept of alterations in suicidal behaviour distinct from those of comorbid disorders. We propose that a series of neurocognitive dysfunctions, some with trait-like characteristics, may facilitate the development of a suicidal crisis during stressful circumstances: (1) an altered modulation of value attribution, (2) an inadequate regulation of emotional and cognitive responses, and (3) a facilitation of acts in an emotional context. This preliminary model may represent a framework for the design of future studies on the pathophysiology, prediction and prevention of these complex human behaviours.
机译:目标我们的目的是审查研究在自杀行为中探索功能障碍性认知过程及其神经解剖学基础的研究,并开发一种神经认知工作模型。方法。进行了文献检索。结果。发现了几个限制。所报告的主要神经心理学发现是对特定的负面情绪刺激的高度重视,决策能力受损,解决问题的能力降低,口语流利性降低以及自杀未遂者可能减少非特定性注意力和逆向学习。神经影像学研究主要显示腹侧眶,背囊和背外侧前额叶皮层,扣带回前部以及杏仁核受累程度较小。另外,建议改变白质连接。结论。这些研究支持不同于共病的自杀行为改变的概念。我们提出一系列神经认知功能障碍,有些具有特质特征,可能在压力情况下促进自杀危机的发展:(1)价值归因的改变,(2)情绪和认知反应的调节不足, (3)在情感环境中促进行为。该初步模型可以代表用于设计这些复杂人类行为的病理生理学,预测和预防的未来研究的框架。



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