首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cross-cultural psychology >Does social context affect value structures? Testing the within-country stability of value structures with a functional theory of values

Does social context affect value structures? Testing the within-country stability of value structures with a functional theory of values


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Previous research showed that the stability of value structures across cultures is influenced by both sample fluctuations and social context. This study tests the within-country stability of value structures in a large sample of physicians (N = 13,414) across all states in Brazil. The authors use a new value instrument that differentiates values according to their theoretical functions (type of orientation: personal versus social; type of motivation: materialistic versus humanitarian). Although the proposed structure of the value functions was relatively robust, systematic fluctuations in structure emerged. In line with previous research, the authors found strong effects of sampling fluctuations as well as socioeconomic development indices on the stability overall. Examining the differential effect of various social indicators, social living conditions were found to mediate the effect of socioeconomic indicators on value stability along the first dimension contrasting personal versus social value orientations. The second dimension differentiating materialistic versus humanitarian values is less stable. Implications for value theory and research, in particular for cross- and intra-cultural research, are discussed.
机译:先前的研究表明,跨文化的价值结构的稳定性受样本波动和社会环境的影响。这项研究在巴西所有州的大量医师(N = 13,414)中测试了价值结构在国家内部的稳定性。作者使用了一种新的价值工具,根据其理论功能(取向类型:个人与社会;动机类型:唯物主义与人道主义)区分价值。尽管所提出的价值函数结构相对稳健,但结构出现了系统性波动。与先前的研究一致,作者发现抽样波动以及社会经济发展指数对总体稳定性具有强烈影响。通过考察各种社会指标的差异影响,发现社会生活条件在第一维度上将社会经济指标对价值稳定性的影响进行了调解,从而将个人价值取向与社会价值取向进行了对比。区分唯物主义价值观和人道主义价值观的第二个维度不稳定。讨论了对价值理论和研究的意义,特别是对跨文化和内部文化研究的意义。



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