首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cross-cultural psychology >Applying the Refined Values Theory to Past Data: What Can Researchers Gain?

Applying the Refined Values Theory to Past Data: What Can Researchers Gain?


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The refined theory of basic human values (Schwartz et al., 2012) divides the circular continuum of values into 19 motivationally distinct values. Research with a new questionnaire discriminated these values in 10 countries and demonstrated the benefits of the finer distinctions. We ask, whether researchers can gain by applying the refined theory to the large repository of available data gathered with the 40-Item Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ40)? How many, if any, of the more refined values can be distinguished in PVQ40 data, and does this provide improved understanding of the topics studied? We addressed these questions with data from 13 countries on four continents (total N = 7,352). Theory-based multidimensional scaling and confirmatory factor analyses in each country revealed several more narrowly defined values in the PVQ data. Examples from 14 countries demonstrated that these refinements can increase predictive and explanatory power.
机译:完善的基本人类价值理论(Schwartz等人,2012)将价值的循环连续性划分为19个动机不同的价值。用新的调查表进行的研究在10个国家中区分了这些价值,并证明了更好的区别的好处。我们问,研究人员是否可以通过将改良的理论应用于通过40项肖像值调查表(PVQ40)收集的大量可用数据存储库中获益?在PVQ40数据中可以区分多少个(如果有的话)更精确的值,这是否可以更好地理解所研究的主题?我们用来自四大洲13个国家的数据(总N = 7,352)解决了这些问题。在每个国家中,基于理论的多维标度和确认因素分析揭示了PVQ数据中几个更狭窄定义的值。来自14个国家/地区的示例表明,这些改进可以提高预测和解释的能力。



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