首页> 外文期刊>Journal of clinical gastroenterology >Ulcerative colitis in Greece: clinicoepidemiological data, course, and prognostic factors in 413 consecutive patients.

Ulcerative colitis in Greece: clinicoepidemiological data, course, and prognostic factors in 413 consecutive patients.


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The clinical course and prognosis of ulcerative colitis was studied in a group of 413 Greek patients. The study lasted for 16 years and follow-up was achieved in 95% of the patients. Both sexes were almost equally affected, mainly between the ages of 40-49. Most of the patients lived in cities and had high educational levels. Familial clustering for inflammatory bowel disease was found in 2.7% of the patients. In most of them the disease was confined to the rectosigmoid area or left bowel and was of mild to moderate severity. The disease course included exacerbations--mainly of mild to moderate severity--and remissions. Mortality was absent during first attack, and it was generally low at the completion of the study. Excluding deaths caused by colorectal cancer, most of the deaths were unrelated to the ulcerative colitis itself. Unusual combinations of ulcerative colitis with other diseases, including diseases of autoimmune origin, were noted. There were no differences between men and women in the various clinicoepidemiologic parameters or in the course of the disease. Surgery was performed in 16.7% of patients, whereas surgery at first attack was required in 0.5%. In comparison with the nonoperated group, patients who were operated on were significantly younger at the time of onset of symptoms and had significantly more extensive disease. Factors prognostic of severe attacks and colectomy were extensive disease, young age at onset, and severe recurrences. Evolution to cancer was observed in 1.45%, whereas extraintestinal cancers also appeared in 1.5%. At the completion of the follow-up period, 5.8% of the patients were dead, 16% had only one attack, 2.7% experienced continuous symptoms, whereas in 58.8% of them, the disease course included exacerbations and remissions. On the basis of the outcome of severe attacks and the more favorable short-term prognosis, it could be argued that ulcerative colitis in Greece runs a milder course compared with that of other developed countries in Western Europe and North America.
机译:在一组413名希腊患者中研究了溃疡性结肠炎的临床病程和预后。该研究持续了16年,对95%的患者进行了随访。男女几乎都受到同样的影响,主要在40-49岁之间。大多数患者生活在城市并且受过高等教育。在2.7%的患者中发现了炎症性肠病的家族性聚集。在大多数人中,该病局限于直肠乙状结肠区域或左肠,轻度至中度。该病的病程包括病情加重(主要是轻度至中度)和缓解。首次发作时无死亡率,研究结束时死亡率通常较低。除了大肠癌造成的死亡外,大多数死亡与溃疡性结肠炎本身无关。注意到溃疡性结肠炎与其他疾病,包括自身免疫性疾病的异常组合。在各种临床流行病学参数或疾病过程中,男女之间没有差异。 16.7%的患者进行了手术,而初次发作时需要进行手术的患者为0.5%。与非手术组相比,接受手术的患者在出现症状时明显年轻,并且患病范围更广。严重发作和结肠切除术的预后因素是广泛的疾病,发病年轻,严重复发。在1.45%的地区可观察到癌变,而在1.5%的地区则出现肠外癌症。在随访期结束时,有5.8%的患者死亡,16%的仅发作一次,2.7%的患者出现持续症状,而其中58.8%的患者病程包括病情加重和缓解。基于严重发作的结果和更有利的短期预后,可以认为与其他西欧和北美发达国家相比,希腊的溃疡性结肠炎病程较轻。



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