首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Oncology >Short delay in initiation of radiotherapy may not affect outcome of patients with glioblastoma: a secondary analysis from the radiation therapy oncology group database.

Short delay in initiation of radiotherapy may not affect outcome of patients with glioblastoma: a secondary analysis from the radiation therapy oncology group database.


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PURPOSE: To analyze the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) database of patients with glioblastoma and appraise whether outcome was influenced by time to initiation of radiation therapy (RT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1974 through 2003, adult patients with histologically confirmed supratentorial glioblastoma were enrolled onto 16 RTOG studies. Of 3,052 enrolled patients, 197 patients (6%) were either initially rendered ineligible or had insufficient chronologic data, leaving a cohort of 2,855 patients for the present analysis. We selected four patient groups based on the interval from surgery to the start of RT: 4 weeks) than in those with the shortest delay (
机译:目的:分析胶质母细胞瘤患者的放射治疗肿瘤学组(RTOG)数据库,并评估结局是否受到放射治疗开始时间的影响。患者与方法:从1974年到2003年,经过组织学证实的幕上胶质母细胞瘤的成年患者纳入了16项RTOG研究。在3052名登记患者中,有197名患者(占6%)最初不符合资格或没有足够的年代顺序数据,目前有2855名患者参加本次分析。我们根据从手术到RT开始的时间间隔选择了四个患者组:<或= 2周,2至3周,3至4周,超过4周,至协议资格限制为6周。生存时间通过Kaplan-Meier方法估算。多变量分析纳入了时间间隔,递归分区分析(RPA)类和治疗方案的变量。结果:随着开始RT的时间增加,无法确定生存率降低。在我们的四个时间分组中,间隔时间最长(> 4周)的组的中位生存时间出乎意料并且显着大于延迟时间最短(<或= 2周)的组:分别为12.5个月和9.2个月(P <.0001)。在多变量分析中,以总生存期为终点,超过4周的时间间隔和较低的RPA类别均是改善预后的重要指标。治疗方案不是重要因素。结论:在相对狭窄的6周内延迟RT的开始并没有明显降低生存率。对于RT延迟至手术后4周以上的患者,发现了出乎意料的结果,但其结果明显更好。



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