首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational Physics >Mesh quality effects on the accuracy of CFD solutions on unstructured meshes

Mesh quality effects on the accuracy of CFD solutions on unstructured meshes


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The order of accuracy and error magnitude of node- and cell-centered schemes are examined on representative unstructured meshes and flowfield solutions for computational fluid dynamics. Specifically, we investigate the properties of inviscid and viscous flux discretizations for isotropic and highly stretched meshes using the Method of Manufactured Solutions. Grid quality effects are studied by randomly perturbing the base meshes and cataloguing the error convergence as a function of grid size. For isotropic grids, node-centered approaches produce less error than cell-centered approaches. Moreover, a corrected node-centered scheme is shown to maintain third order accuracy for the inviscid terms on arbitrary triangular meshes. In contrast, for stretched meshes, cell-centered schemes are favored, with cell-centered prismatic approaches in particular showing the lowest levels of error. In three dimensions, simple flux integrations on non-planar control volume faces lead to first-order solution errors, while second-order accuracy is recovered by triangulation of the non-planar faces.



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