首页> 外文期刊>Journal of community health >The medical exclusion of an immigrant to the United States of America in the early twentieth century. The case of Cristina Imparato.

The medical exclusion of an immigrant to the United States of America in the early twentieth century. The case of Cristina Imparato.

机译:二十世纪初移民到美国的医疗排斥。 Cristina Imparato案。

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The medical inspection of immigrants arriving in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was framed by a need to rapidly process large numbers of people. Scientific medicine, such as it was then, was subordinate to the existing immigration laws which reflected the influences of the powerful anti-immigration forces of eugenics and nativism. The line, or single-file queues in which immigrants were arranged, facilitated rapid processing. The split-second medical gaze was hailed by the then leadership of the U.S. Public Health Service as scientifically sound, based as it was on the alleged exceptional disease detection skills of examining public health physicians. In reality, this system was seriously flawed, led to numerous diagnostic errors, and was free of any form of public outcomes assessment or accountability. In time, trachoma became the principal focus of line physicians because of the belief that it could be easily detected, and those diagnosed with it summarily deported. However, the diagnosis of the early stages of this disease is far more complex since it must be differentiated from other forms of benign conjunctivitis. Described here is the case of Cristina Imparato, a 46-year-old immigrant who arrived in New York from Italy on September 27, 1910, and who was given a diagnosis of trachoma which resulted in her summary deportation three days later on September 30, 1910. Her case serves to illustrate the complex forces at work at that time around the issue of immigration. These included a need to meet the labor needs of expanding industries while responding to the immigration restriction demands of eugenics supporters and nativists and the call to protect the country from imported disease threats.
机译:对19世纪末和20世纪初到达美国的移民进行医学检查的框架是需要快速处理大量人员。当时的科学医学从属于现行的移民法,该法律反映了优生学和本土主义强大的反移民力量的影响。安排移民的生产线或单人排队队列有助于快速处理。瞬间的医学凝视被当时的美国公共卫生服务部门领导称赞为科学合理,因为它基于对公共卫生医生进行检查的所谓异常疾病检测技能。实际上,该系统存在严重缺陷,导致许多诊断错误,并且没有任何形式的公共结果评估或问责制。随着时间的流逝,由于人们相信沙眼很容易被发现,并且被诊断出患有沙眼的人被驱逐出境,沙眼成为了内科医师的主要研究对象。但是,这种疾病的早期诊断要复杂得多,因为必须将其与其他形式的良性结膜炎区分开来。此处描述的是克里斯蒂娜·伊帕拉托(Cristina Imparato)的案子,他是46岁的移民,他于1910年9月27日从意大利抵达纽约,被诊断为沙眼,导致她在三天后于9月30日被暂时驱逐出境, 1910年。她的案子说明了当时有关移民问题的复杂力量。其中包括需要满足不断发展的行业的劳动力需求,同时应对优生学支持者和本土主义者的移民限制要求,以及呼吁保护该国免受进口疾病威胁的呼吁。



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