首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B >Connected rigidity matroids and unique realizations of graphs

Connected rigidity matroids and unique realizations of graphs


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A d-dimensional framework is a straight line realization of a graph G in R-d. We shall only consider generic frameworks, in which the co-ordinates of all the vertices of G are algebraically independent. Two frameworks for G are equivalent if corresponding edges in the two frameworks have the same length. A framework is a unique realization of G in R-d if every equivalent framework can be obtained from it by an isometry of R-d. Bruce Hendrickson proved that if G has a unique realization in R-d then G is (d + 1)-connected and redundantly rigid. He conjectured that every realization of a (d+1)-connected and redundantly rigid graph in R-d is unique. This conjecture is true for d = 1 but was disproved by Robert Connelly for d >= 3. We resolve the remaining open case by showing that Hendrickson's conjecture is true for d = 2. As a corollary we deduce that every realization of a 6-connected graph as a two-dimensional generic framework is a unique realization. Our proof is based on a new inductive characterization of 3-connected graphs whose rigidity matroid is connected. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:d维框架是R-d中图G的直线实现。我们将仅考虑通用框架,其中G的所有顶点的坐标都是代数独立的。如果两个框架中的相应边具有相同的长度,则两个G框架是等效的。如果可以通过R-d的等轴测图从框架中获得每个等效框架,则框架是R-d中G的唯一实现。布鲁斯·亨德里克森(Bruce Hendrickson)证明,如果G在R-d中具有唯一的实现,则G是(d +1)连接且具有冗余刚性。他推测,R-d中(d + 1)个连接且具有冗余刚性图的每个实现都是唯一的。这个猜想对于d = 1是正确的,但是对于d> = 3却被罗伯特·康纳利(Robert Connelly)反对。我们通过证明亨德里克森的猜想对于d = 2是正确的,解决了剩余的未解决问题。作为推论,我们推论每个实现6-连接图作为二维通用框架是一种独特的实现。我们的证明是基于三连接图的新的归纳表征,其刚性拟似线已连接。 (c)2004 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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