首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology >Incidence of atrial fibrillation post-cavotricuspid isthmus ablation in patients with typical atrial flutter: left-atrial size as an independent predictor of atrial fibrillation recurrence.

Incidence of atrial fibrillation post-cavotricuspid isthmus ablation in patients with typical atrial flutter: left-atrial size as an independent predictor of atrial fibrillation recurrence.


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INTRODUCTION: Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter often coexist. The long-term occurrence of atrial fibrillation in patients presenting with atrial flutter alone is unknown. We report the long-term follow-up in patients who underwent cavotricuspid isthmus ablation for treatment of lone atrial flutter. METHODS AND RESULTS: Between January 1997 and June 2002, 632 patients underwent cavotricuspid isthmus ablation for the treatment of typical atrial flutter at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Three hundred sixty-three patients were included in this study and followed for a mean duration of 39 +/- 11 months. The mean duration of atrial flutter symptoms was 12 +/- 5 months. Mean left-atrial size and left-ventricular ejection fraction were 4.2 +/- 0.8 cm and 47 +/- 13%, respectively. After a mean follow-up time of 39 +/- 11 months, 13% (48 of 363) of the patients remained in sinus rhythm. Five percent (18 of 363) of patients experienced recurrence of atrial flutter only. Sixty-eight percent (246 of 363) experienced the onset of atrial fibrillation and 14% (51 of 363) experienced recurrence of atrial flutter and the new onset of atrial fibrillation. Overall, 82% (297 of 363) of the patients experienced new onset of drug refractory atrial fibrillation. Left-atrial size was a predictor of atrial fibrillation recurrence post-atrial flutter ablation. CONCLUSION: At long-term follow-up, approximately 82% of patients post-cavotricuspid isthmus ablation for atrial flutter developed drug refractory atrial fibrillation. This finding suggests that elimination of atrial flutter might delay, but does not prevent, atrial fibrillation. Evidence suggests both arrhythmias may share common triggers and such patients may derive a better long-term benefit from anatomical ablative treatment of atrial fibrillation as well.
机译:简介:房颤和房扑经常并存。仅表现为房扑的患者是否会长期发生房颤。我们报告了接受catrictricuspid峡部消融治疗孤独性房扑的患者的长期随访。方法和结果:在1997年1月至2002年6月之间,克利夫兰诊所基金会对632例接受了小房窦峡部切除术的患者进行了典型的房扑治疗。该研究共纳入363例患者,平均随访时间为39 +/- 11个月。心房扑动症状的平均持续时间为12 +/- 5个月。平均左心房大小和左心室射血分数分别为4.2 +/- 0.8厘米和47 +/- 13%。在平均随访时间为39 +/- 11个月之后,13%(363个中的48个)患者保持窦性心律。 5%(363名患者中的18名)患者仅发生房扑复发。 68%(363名患者中的246名)经历了房颤的发作,14%(363名患者中的51%)经历了房扑复发和新的房颤发作。总体而言,有82%(363名患者中的297名)患者经历了新的难治性房颤的发作。左心房大小是房扑消融后房颤复发的预测指标。结论:在长期随访中,约82%的因房扑引起的峡部峡部峡部切除术后患者发生了难治性房颤。这一发现表明消除房扑可能会延迟但不能阻止房颤。有证据表明,两种心律不齐都可能有共同的触发因素,并且此类患者也可以从房颤的解剖消融治疗中获得更好的长期获益。



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