首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Camel Practice and Research >Seroepidemiological studies for the detection of antibodies against 8 infectious diseases in dairy dromedaries of the United Arab Emirates using modern laboratory techniques - Part II.

Seroepidemiological studies for the detection of antibodies against 8 infectious diseases in dairy dromedaries of the United Arab Emirates using modern laboratory techniques - Part II.


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A total of 1119 dromedary sera (578 dams, and 541 calves) were tested for eight different infectious diseases (viral diseases (Rift Valley fever, Bluetongue, Equine Rhinitis A virus, Camel pox, Bovine Viral Diarrhea and Mucosal Disease, and Enzootic Bovine Leucosis), bacterial disease (leptospirosis), and parasitic disease (neosporosis)) using commercially available competitive ELISAs (cELISA) or other tests (serum neutralization test and microscopic agglutination test). Results revealed that no antibodies were detected for Enzootic Bovine Leukosis. Antibodies were detected for Rift Valley Fever (0.35%), Bluetongue (21%), Equine Rhinitis A virus (5.7%), Camelpox (66%), Bovine Viral Diarrhea (1.6%), leptospirosis (12%) and neosporosis (13.7%). It is concluded that cELISAs are reliable tests and can be used in dromedaries. However, more research is needed when using indirect ELISA to minimize false positives and negatives.
机译:测试了总共1119个单峰骆驼血清(578个大坝和541个犊牛)的八种不同的传染病(病毒性疾病(裂谷热,蓝舌病,马鼻炎A病毒,骆驼痘,牛病毒性腹泻和粘膜病以及牛源性牛白血病) ),细菌性疾病(钩端螺旋体病)和寄生虫病(新孢子虫病)),使用市售的竞争性ELISA(cELISA)或其他测试(血清中和测试和显微凝集测试)。结果显示,未检测到牛源性白血病的抗体。检出的抗体包括裂谷热(0.35%),蓝舌病(21%),马甲鼻炎病毒(5.7%),骆驼痘(66%),牛病毒性腹泻(1.6%),钩端螺旋体病(12%)和新孢子虫病(13.7) %)。结论是cELISAs是可靠的测试,可用于单峰骆驼。但是,使用间接ELISA最小化假阳性和阴性时,需要更多的研究。



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