首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Camel Practice and Research >Large scale management of camels for embryo transfer

Large scale management of camels for embryo transfer


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Embryo Transfer has gained particular attention in racing camels. For a large scale management of embryo transfer donors and recipients need to be efficiently synchronised. Donors are usually superovulated using FSH administered in descending dosestwice daily over a period of 7 days, after a 14 days progesterone treatment and followed by a prostaglandin injection and mated on day 9 and 10. GnRH (20 #mu#g) is given if the mating does not last more than 5 minutes. In 1998, 95 percent (21/22) of thecamels receiving FSH responded with production of 5 or more follicles and 90 percent (19/21) ovulated postmating. Recipients are prepared in a ratio of 1:4 and administered a progestagen for a period of 10 days followed by 1500 I.U. eCG, PG and 1300 IU of hCG (when an ovulatory follicle is detected). Using such regimes 92 percent (109/118) recipients developed a follicle and ovulated. The current, embryo recovery rates per donor are 7.6 and 5.6 with eCG and FSH, respectively. Management of all facets ofembryo transfer are discussed relative to their impact on handling larger number of donors and recipients while maintaining pregnancy rates. Pregnancy rates for 1998 were 63%.
机译:胚胎移植在赛车骆驼中特别受到关注。为了大规模管理胚胎移植,需要有效同步供体和受体。通常在14天经黄体酮治疗后的7天内,每天以递减剂量给予FSH超排卵,然后进行前列腺素注射,并在第9天和第10天交配GnRH(20#mu#g)。交配不超过5分钟。 1998年,接受FSH的骆驼中有95%(21/22)对卵的反应为5个或更多卵泡,而90%(19/21)的卵在排卵后代。以1:4的比例制备收件人,并在10天的时间内服用孕激素,然后服用1500I.U。 eCG,PG和1300 IU的hCG(检测到排卵卵泡时)。使用这种方案,有92%(109/118)的受者形成了卵泡并排卵。当前,使用eCG和FSH的每个供体的胚胎恢复率分别为7.6和5.6。讨论了胚胎移植所有方面的管理,以及它们对处理大量捐赠者和接受者同时保持妊娠率的影响。 1998年的怀孕率为63%。



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