首页> 外文期刊>Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials. >Bacterial transmission from lens storage cases to contact lenses-Effects of lens care solutions and silver impregnation of cases.

Bacterial transmission from lens storage cases to contact lenses-Effects of lens care solutions and silver impregnation of cases.


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The killing efficacies of multipurpose lens care solutions on planktonic and biofilm bacteria grown in polypropylene contact lens storage cases with and without silver impregnation and effects on bacterial transmission from storage cases to silicone hydrogel contact lenses were investigated. For transmission studies, biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus 835 or Pseudomonas aeruginosa no. 3 were grown on lens storage cases and incubated with a contact lens in different multipurpose lens care solutions (Opti-Free(R)Express(R), ReNu(R) MultiPlus(R), and SoloCare Aquatrade mark) or 0.9% NaCl. In addition, planktonic bacteria were directly suspended in multipurpose solutions and their killing efficacies were determined. The numbers of transmitted live and dead bacteria on the lenses were measured using a combination of plate counting and fluorescence microscopy. The highest killing efficacies were shown by Opti-Free(R) Express(R) for planktonic as well as for biofilm bacteria. Silver impregnation of lens cases in combination with the prescribed solution increased the killing efficacy for P. aeruginosa in biofilms, whereas effects for S. aureus were minor. Lowest numbers of live and dead bacteria were transmitted to a lens in Opti-Free(R) Express(R) multipurpose solution, with no significant differences between lens types and no effects of silver impregnation. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2008.
机译:研究了多用途眼镜护理液对在有和没有银浸渍的聚丙烯隐形眼镜存放盒中生长的浮游生物和生物膜细菌的杀灭效果以及对细菌从存放盒到硅酮水凝胶隐形眼镜的传播的影响。对于传播研究,金黄色葡萄球菌835或铜绿假单胞菌的生物膜。将3个在眼镜收纳盒上生长,并在不同的多用途眼镜护理液(Opti-Free Express,ReNu MultiPlus和SoloCare Aquatrade mark)中与隐形眼镜或0.9%NaCl孵育。另外,将浮游细菌直接悬浮在多用途溶液中,并确定其杀灭效果。使用平板计数和荧光显微镜相结合的方法测量镜片上传播的活细菌和死细菌的数量。 Opti_Free Express Express对浮游生物和生物膜细菌的杀灭效率最高。眼镜盒的银浸渍与规定的溶液组合可提高铜绿假单胞菌在生物膜中的杀灭功效,而对金黄色葡萄球菌的杀伤作用较小。在Opti-Free Express多用途解决方案中,最少数量的活细菌和死细菌被传播到镜片中,镜片类型之间没有显着差异,并且没有银浸渍的影响。 (c)2008 Wiley Periodicals,Inc. J Biomed Mater Res B部分:Appl Biomater 2008。



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