首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomechanics >Normalization of joint moments during gait: a comparison of two techniques.

Normalization of joint moments during gait: a comparison of two techniques.


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Joint moments are commonly used to characterize gait. Factors like height and weight influence these moments. This study determined which of two commonly used normalization methods, body mass or body weight times height, most reduced the effects of height and weight on peak hip, knee, and ankle external moments during walking. The effectiveness of each normalization method in reducing gender differences was then tested. Gait data from 158 normal subjects were analyzed using unnormalized values, body mass normalized values, and body weight times height normalized values. Without normalization, height or weight accounted for 7-82% of the variance in all 10 peak components of the moments. With normalization, height and weight accounted for at most 6% of the variance with the exception of the hip adduction moment normalized by body weight times height and the ankle dorsiflexion moment normalized by body mass. For the hip adduction moment normalized by body weight times height, height still accounted for 13% of the variance (p<0.001) and for the ankle dorsiflexion moment normalized by body mass, 22% of the variance (p<0.001). After normalization, significant differences between males and females remained for only two out of 10 moments with the body weight times height method compared to six out of 10 moments with the body mass method. When compared to the unnormalized data, both normalization methods were highly effective in reducing height and weight differences. Even for the two cases where one normalization method was less effective than the other (hip adduction-body weight times height; ankle dorsiflexion-body mass) the normalization process reduced the variance ascribed to height or weight by 48% and 63%, respectively, as compared to the unnormalized data.
机译:关节力矩通常用于表征步态。身高和体重等因素会影响这些时刻。这项研究确定了体重或体重乘以身高这两种常用的归一化方法中的哪一种,最大程度地降低了身高和体重对步行过程中臀部,膝盖和脚踝外部力矩的影响。然后测试了每种标准化方法在减少性别差异方面的有效性。使用未归一化的值,体重归一化的值以及体重乘以身高归一化的值来分析来自158名正常受试者的步态数据。如果不进行归一化,则身高或体重占力矩所有10个峰值分量的变化的7-82%。通过归一化,身高和体重最多占方差的6%,但通过体重乘以身高归一化的髋关节内收力矩和通过体重归一化的踝背屈力矩除外。对于通过体重乘以身高标准化的髋关节内收力矩,身高仍占差异的13%(p <0.001),而通过体重归一化的脚踝背屈力矩则占差异的22%(p <0.001)。归一化后,体重乘身高法的男女之间只有十分之二的显着差异,而体重法则是十分之六。与未归一化的数据相比,两种归一化方法在减少身高和体重差异方面均非常有效。即使对于两种归一化方法都不如另一种归一化方法有效的情况(髋关节内收体重乘以身高;踝背屈体重),归一化过程也将归因于身高或体重的方差分别降低了48%和63%,与非规范化数据相比



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