首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agriculture,Food Systems,and Community Development >Sustainable agriculture education and civic engagement: the significance of community-university partnerships in the new agricultural paradigm. (Special issue: Food systems and higher education.)

Sustainable agriculture education and civic engagement: the significance of community-university partnerships in the new agricultural paradigm. (Special issue: Food systems and higher education.)

机译:可持续农业教育和公民参与:社区与大学之间的伙伴关系在新的农业范例中的重要性。 (特刊:粮食系统和高等教育。)

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Universities and colleges across the United States are making innovative strides in higher education programming to catalyze a more sustainable era of agriculture. This is clearly exemplified through the formation of community-university partnerships as critical illustrations of civic engagement (CE) for sustainable agriculture (SA) education. This paper explores the praxis of CE for SA education by focusing on the ways in which five land-grant universities (LGUs) with undergraduate programs in SA have developed and put into practice community-university partnerships. Drawing upon these programs and supportive literature, this article specifically attempts to describe the role and significance of CE for SA education, emerging community-university partnership models and their implications for prompting food and agriculture sustainability, and student learning and program assessment outcomes. We also reveal the many challenges and opportunities encountered by stakeholders involved in the creation and continuation of these programs and their subsequent coursework. Conclusions offer "real world" recommendations for other faculty, staff, student, and community stakeholders to implement and generate action-oriented scholarship for and with communities as a viable thread of SA education.



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