首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Ichthyology >New data on the longevity of coastal cod Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758 in the White Sea

New data on the longevity of coastal cod Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758 in the White Sea

机译:关于白海沿海鳕鱼Gadus morhua Linnaeus,1758年寿命的新数据

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The cod, Gadus morhua, is a common and abundant demersal fish in the White Sea coastal zone. The published data on the maximum age of White Sea cod still requires additional documentation, because some authors have noted difficulties in age determination by otoliths of large specimens. To obtain accurate data on the longevity of this species in the White Sea, an image analysis of thin-sections of otoliths was made for age estimation. Research surveys in the Chupa Inlet and adjacent waters of the Kandalaksha Bay were conducted in June to August from 2007 to 2013. The five largest specimens of a total of 3564 captured fish were selected for age determination. Age of these largest individuals ranged between 7 and 12 years, total length and weight varied from 60.2 to 77.0 cm and from 2.4 to 6.1 kg, respectively. According to the data, maximal White Sea cod longevity is greater than in previously published data, and demonstrates similar longevity to conspecifics from the Baltic and North seas, whereas its life cycle is much shorter than cod from the Northeast Arctic, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland and Labrador stocks.
机译:鳕鱼,Gadus morhua,是白海沿岸地区常见的丰富鱼类。关于白海鳕鱼最大年龄的已公布数据仍然需要其他文档,因为一些作者已经注意到用大标本的耳石确定年龄的困难。为了获得有关该物种在白海中的寿命的准确数据,对耳石的薄片进行了图像分析,以估计年龄。从2007年至2013年的6月至8月,对坎达拉克夏湾的Chupa入口及其邻近水域进行了研究调查。从总共3564条捕获的鱼类中选出5个最大的标本进行年龄确定。这些最大的个体的年龄在7至12岁之间,总长度和体重分别从60.2至77.0 cm和2.4至6.1 kg不等。根据数据,白海鳕鱼的最大寿命比以前公布的数据要长,并且显示出与波罗的海和北海的物种相似的寿命,而其生命周期却比东北北极,冰岛,格陵兰,纽芬兰的鳕鱼短得多。和拉布拉多股票。



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