首页> 外文期刊>Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics >Impact of the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 on the surface energy fluxes at Ibadan, Nigeria

Impact of the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 on the surface energy fluxes at Ibadan, Nigeria


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This paper document the impact of the total solar eclipse (97.4%) of 29 March 2006 on the surface energy fluxes at Ibadan, Nigeria (longitude 4.56°E, latitude 7.55°N), a tropical location. The surface energy (determined by the BREB method) was found to be grossly affected by the eclipse. The latent heat and net radiation (R _n) lagged the sensible heat by 11min in totality. The sensible heat lagged the latent heat and R _n by 6min before it start to increase after the totality phase of the eclipse, while global radiation (R _g) lagged R _n by 7min. The sensible heat reversed sign, reaching a value of -1.02Wm -2 during the total phase of the eclipse while the latent heat dropped by 89.7%.All the radiation fluxes (global radiation, R _g, net radiation R _n, temperature, and soil heat flux) measured during the eclipse event were significantly affected by the sudden 'cut off' of the solar irradiation. There was a 95% decrease in R g, while R n dropped from 354.3Wm ~(-2) to -11.7Wm ~(-2).
机译:本文记录了2006年3月29日的日全食对尼日利亚伊巴丹(东经4.56°E,北纬7.55°N)的表面能通量的影响。发现表面能量(通过BREB方法确定)受到日食的严重影响。潜热和净辐射(R _n)总共滞后于显热11min。显热滞后潜热和R _n约6分钟,然后在日食全相后开始增加,而整体辐射(R _g)滞后R _n约7分钟。显热反转符号,在日食全相期间达到-1.02Wm -2,而潜热下降了89.7%。所有辐射通量(全局辐射,R _g,净辐射R _n,温度和在日食过程中测得的土壤热通量受到太阳辐射突然“中断”的显着影响。 R g降低了95%,而R n从354.3Wm〜(-2)降至-11.7Wm〜(-2)。



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