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Menstrual irregularity and musculoskeletal injury in female high school athletes.


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The female athlete triad describes the interrelatedness of energy availability, menstrual function, and bone density. Although associations between triad components and musculoskeletal injury (INJ) have been reported in collegiate athletes, limited information exists about menstrual irregularity (MI) and INJ in the high school population.To determine the prevalence of and relationship between MI and INJ in high school athletes.Cross-sectional study.High schools. Patients or Other Participants: The sample consisted of 249 female athletes from 3 high schools who competed in 33 interscholastic, school-sponsored sport teams, dance teams, and cheerleading or pom-pon squad during the 2006-2007 school year. Each athlete remained on the roster throughout the season. Main Outcome Measure(s): Participants completed a survey regarding injury type, number of days of sport participation missed, and menstrual history in the past year.The prevalences of M I and INJ were 19.7% and 63.1 %, respectively. Athletes who reported MI sustained a higher percentage of severe injuries (missing ≥ 22 days of practice or competition) than did athletes who reported normal menses. Although the trend was not significant, athletes with MI were almost 3 times more likely to sustain an injury resulting in 7 or more days of time lost from sport (odds ratio = 2.7, 95% confidence interval = 0.8, 8.8) than those who sustained an injury resulting in 7 or fewer days of time lost.The incidences of MI and INJ in this high school population during the study period were high. Athletes who reported MI sustained a higher percentage of severe injuries than did athletes who reported normal menses. Education programs to increase knowledge and improve management of MI and its potential effects on injury in female high school athletes are warranted.
机译:女运动员三合会描述了能量供应,月经功能和骨密度的相互关系。尽管在大学运动员中据报道三联体成分与肌肉骨骼损伤(INJ)之间存在关联,但有关高中人群月经不调(MI)和INJ的信息仍然有限。横断面研究。高中。患者或其他参与者:样本由来自3所中学的249名女运动员组成,他们在2006-2007学年期间参加了33个由学校赞助的校际运动队,舞蹈队以及啦啦队或绒球小队的比赛。在整个赛季中,每个运动员都保持在名册上。主要观察指标:参加者完成了关于受伤类型,错过运动天数和过去月经史的调查,其中M I和INJ的患病率分别为19.7%和63.1%。报告MI的运动员遭受严重伤害(错过练习或比赛≥22天)的百分比高于报告正常月经的运动员。尽管趋势并不明显,但患有MI的运动员受伤的可能性几乎是受累运动员的3倍,导致运动损失7天或更多的时间(赔率= 2.7,95%置信区间= 0.8,8.8)导致7天或更短时间损失的伤害。研究期间,该高中人群的MI和INJ发生率很高。报告MI的运动员比经血正常的运动员遭受的重伤百分比更高。需要开展教育计划以增加知识并改善MI的管理及其对女高中运动员伤害的潜在影响。



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